P-EVp (Évora) Biblioteca Pública Pasta 3, doc. 031

Pasta 3, doc. 031

P-EVp Pasta 3, doc. 031

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
13th century
Type of script
Description of the notation

Aquitanian notation of Portuguese variety, with lozanges indicating semitones in a rather consistent manner.


Responsories and beginnings of readings and liturgical occasions: taller capitals in red and blue ink with filigrees of the opposite colour than the letter; initials of verses and series of antiphons in sepia ink with red fillings.


Calculus on fol. Bv; archival dating on f. Ar ('1563 - 1564')

Condition of document

Overall poor. Fol. A mutilated with complete loss of one of the two columns per page. Exposed sides (fols. Ar - Bv): ink partially faded, with folds creases and burnt zones further impeding readability; Non-exposed sides in fair conditions except for a few small holes and folds.

Page layout

Two columns of text and music.


One continuous bifolio; original pagination on the top of fols. Ar - Br: lxxxv - lxxxvi


The contents of this fragment agree in everything but a few antiphon differentiae with P-Br MS. 32, ff. 165r - sgg and for the noteworthy presence of two verses for the responsory Splendida facta est.
Both are common, but their consecutive use is only reported elsewhere in Cantus Database in very few French sources.

Description author/s
Indexed by
Project ID

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff Diff db
Ar 000 [Splendida facta est facies Moysi dum Quadragesimae, dom. 4 M R 007695 8
Ar 001 Descendit Moyses de monte portans duas Quadragesimae, dom. 4 M V 01 007695a 8
Ar 002 Cumque descendisset de monte Sinai portabat Quadragesimae, dom. 4 M V 02 007695za 8
Ar 003 Attendite popule meus legem meam | inclinate Quadragesimae, dom. 4 M R 006138 8
Ar 004 Aperiam in parabolis os meum loquar Quadragesimae, dom. 4 M V 01 006138a 8
Ar 005 Vos qui transituri estis Jordanem [aedificate Quadragesimae, dom. 4 M R 007916 8
Av 001 [Bonum est sperare in domino quam Quadragesimae, dom. 4 L A 2 001745 8 g 84a
Av 002 Benedicat nos deus deus noster benedicat Quadragesimae, dom. 4 L A 3 001690 2 d 152b
Av 003 Potens es domine eripere nos de Quadragesimae, dom. 4 L A 4 004347 8 g 84b
Av 004 Reges terrae et omnes populi laudate Quadragesimae, dom. 4 L A 5 004593 1 a 64b
Av 005 Abiit Jesus trans mare Galilaeae quod Quadragesimae, dom. 4 E A B 200043 1 d 60a
Av - Br 005 Accepit ergo Jesus panes et cum Quadragesimae, dom. 4 P A 001217 1 g 66i
Br 001 De quinque panibus et duobus piscibus Quadragesimae, dom. 4 T A 002117 1 f 69b
Br 002 Satiavit dominus quinque milia hominum de Quadragesimae, dom. 4 S A 004818 4 e 27e
Br 003 Cum vidissent turbae signum quod fecerat Quadragesimae, dom. 4 N A 002049 8 g 84a
Br 004 Cum sublevasset oculos Jesus et vidisset Quadragesimae, dom. 4 E A M 002036 1 g 66i
Bv 001 Auferte ista hinc dicit dominus et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 2 E A B 001530 3 b 213a
Bv 002 Solvite templum hoc dicit dominus et Quadrag., hebd. 4, fer. 2 E A M 004982 5 a 129o