P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pasta dos documentos visigóticos, s.n. (fragment now lost)

Pasta dos documentos visigóticos, s.n. (fragment now lost)

P-BRad Pasta dos documentos visigóticos, s.n.

Source type
Document type
[1090 - 1120]
Fer. 6 in Parasceve incomplete: "Antiphonas adorandam crucem" are notated (following hymn incipits are without notation). Sabbato Sancto opening only: includes beginning of "Exultet iam angelica" without notation. Dom. Resurrectionis: complete with notated processional chants and mass proper chants. Fer. 2 p. Pascha incomplete: notated introit only.
Type of notation

Red and blue initials. Three stand out for their larger size and greater decoration folio (Br-Bv). Small and plain initials in red ink are also used.

Marginal inscriptions appear to have been added while the fragment was utilized as a book cover. These markings are found only in the margins of one side of the bifolium (Ar-Bv). An additional pencil(?) inscription has been added more recently in the right margin of Ar.
Condition of document

Good condition when photographed, but the fragment is now lost.

Page layout

One column per page with 32 or 33 lines per page. Measurements (from Bragança, 1993): 250 x 145 mm.


A single bifolium: Ar - Bv, Av - Br. Folios A and B were referred to as 1 and 2 by Bragança (1993). There is no foliation on the fragment.


The folios are not continuous.


The photographs included here were taken by Manuel Pedro Ferreira in the early 1990s before the disappearance of the fragment. The dating is that given by Bragança who in 1993 published a detailed study of the source (see below) including a nearly complete transcription of the textual content. Bragança demonstrates that this fragment represents the liturgy of Braga and discusses connections with the Missal of Mateus (Braga, Arquivo Distrital, MS 1000) and the Pontifical of Braga (Lisbon, BN, Alc. 162). The Carolingian script of the fragment shows marked influence of Visigothic script with frequent use of the Visigothic 't' being particularly noticeable.


COSTA, Avelino de Jesus da, A Biblioteca e o Tesouro da Sé de Braga nos séculos XV a XVIII, Braga, 1984, p. 280 and est. 32.

BRAGANCA, Joaquim O., 'Fragmento de um Missal de Braga do Século XII', Theologica 28 (1993), pp. 375-390.

FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro, 'A Música na Sé de Braga durante a Idade Média: Estado da Questão' in A. M. Rodrigues and M. P. Ferreira, A Catedral de Braga: Arte, Liturgia e Música dos fins do século XI à época tridentina, Lisboa: Arte das Musas/CESEM, 2009, pp. 96, 130, and est. 51.

NELSON, Kathleen E., 'The Notated Exultet in Braga’s Missal de Mateus: Known Tradition or New Composition?', Musical Exchanges, 1100–1650: Iberian Connections, in M. P. Ferreira (ed.), Kassel: Edition Reichenberger, 2016, pp.31-48.

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