P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pasta de fragmentos, 244 (olim Miscelânia de pergaminhos nº 12) [Previously, caixa 243, nº 1]

Pasta de fragmentos, 244 (olim Miscelânia de pergaminhos nº 12) [Previously, caixa 243, nº 1]

P-BRad Pasta 244

Source type
Document type
12th - 13th century

The first responsory on fol. Av has an inhabited initial "S" decorated with a dog(?) and some leaves. Text and notation in black. Display script in red. Capital letters in red or black with very simple decoration.


Fol. Ar: "12" written in blue ink by a modern hand; "244" written in red ink by a modern hand. Fol. Av: modern hands added "Ig.", "Guilhafons…" and "Sancta Comb…".

Condition of document

Bifolium badly damaged. Folio B has a severe vertical cut: the page is reduced to about 1/4 of its original size. The two pages of the bifolium are not consecutive. The folds and the lateral cut suggest that the fragment was used as a bookbinding. There is a small library sticker on fol. Ar with the shelf-mark "12".

Page layout

Size of the whole fragment: 440 x ca 395 mm. Fol. A: ca 435 x 309 mm. Fol. B: ca 440 x 85 mm. Text area fol. A: ca 324 x 244 mm. Text area fol. B: ca 325 x 68 mm. Text lines on each page: 13. Music lines on each page: 13.


P. Avelino de Jesus da Costa refers to this fragment as: "Caixa 243, 35 – Número 1 – Tombo de Santa Comba de Guilhafonse, 1541". "Santa Comba de Guilhafonse" corresponds today to the parish of Santa Comba in Vila Fonche, located ca 40 km north of Braga.


COSTA Avelino de Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico (9.vols), Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944. COSTA Avelino de Jesus da; ALMEIDA Luís Ferrand de: A biblioteca e o tesouro da Sé de Braga nos séculos XV a XVIII, Braga: Revista "Theologica" 1984, pp. 221, 328 (plate 45).

Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 40
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode
Ar 001 [...] eum dicens patientiam habe in me undetermined V2 A 002274 ?
Ar 002 Serve nequam omne debitum dimisi tibi undetermined V2 A M 004873 ?
Ar 003 Cum sublevasset oculos Jesus* undetermined A 002036 ?
Ar 004 Satiavit dominus* undetermined V A M 004818 ?
Ar 005 Tu principatum tenes in coro martirum Stephani V A 005216 1
Ar 006 Magna est gloria ejus in salutari Stephani V W 008130 1?
Ar 007 Christum natum qui beatum hodie coronavit Stephani M I 001048 4
Ar 008 Elegerunt apostoli Stephanum virum plenum fide Stephani M A 1.1 201540 1?
Ar 009 Stephanus autem plenus gratia et fortitudine Stephani M A 1.2 005025 2
Ar 010 Surrexerunt autem quidam de synagoga disputantes Stephani M A 1.3 204826 3
Av 001 Posuisti domine super caput ejus R Stephani M W 1. 008170 ?
Av 002 Stephanus autem plenus gratia et veritate Stephani M R 1.1 007702 ?
Av 003 Surrexerunt quidam de synagoga quae appellatur Stephani M V 01 007702c ?
Av 004 Surrexerunt quidam de synagoga disputantes cum Stephani M R 1.2 007735 ?
Av 005 Commoverunt itaque plebem et concurrentes rapuerunt Stephani M V 02 007735a ?
Av 006 Cum esset plenus spiritu sancto beatus Stephani M R 1.3 006364 ?
Av 007 Et clamans voce magna dixit ecce Stephani M V 03 006364a ?
Av 008 Commoverunt plebem seniores judaeorum et scribe Stephani M A 2.1 200832 ?
Av 009 Videbant omnes Stephanum qui erant in Stephani M A 2.2 205171 ?
Br 001 [...]orum qui effusus est Nat. Innocentium V 007024a ?