P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 176 (olim Caixa 240, nº 5)

Pastas de fragmentos, 176 (olim Caixa 240, nº 5)

P-BRad Pastas 176

Source type
Document type
15th century
Type of script

Champ initial "M" for the Introit "Misericordia Domini"; very simple pen-flourished initials in red and blue; a drôlerie at the starting of the Alleluia verse "In die". Display script in red, text and notation in black.

Several inscriptions. Recto, right hand-side: "176" written in red ink by a modern hand. "Tombo de Bustello [...]" written by a more ancient hand. Probably contemporary to the latter is the inscription "Bustello". "Caixa 240, n° 5" was written by a modern hand in blue ink. Verso, left hand-side: "[...] decet [...] iudicio". More below there is another annotation whose text has been partially trimmed.
Condition of document

Single leaf fragment in good condition despite it was used as book cover for long time. Two horizontal folds (one in the middle, the other at the bottom of the fragment); wrinkles and a long tear partially stitched. Part of the liturgical and musical contents are lost because the borders of the fragment were trimmed.

Page layout

Size: 465 x 290 mm. Text area: one column of 350 x 240 mm. 12 lines, respectively 6 for text, 6 for notation.


The original foliation is lost. Near the incipit of the Offertory "Angelus Domini" there is a reference to folio "cxxvi"
where it was originally possible to read the full chant.

P. Avelino de Jesus da Costa referes to this fragment as: "Caixa 240, 18 – Número 5 – Tombo de S. Mamede de Bustelo, 1540". Bustelo is located ca 15 km north-west of Braga.

COSTA Avelino de Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico (9.vols), Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944.

Description author/s
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