P-BRs (Braga) Arquivo da Sé Ms. 034

Ms. 034

P-BRs Ms. 034

Source type
Document type
Main place of use
pp. 1-154 Proprium de tempore (Sundays), pp. 155-204 Proprium sanctorum (including: pp. 165-166 Martini Dumiensis archiepiscopi bracharensis, pp. 170-172 Fructuosi archiepiscopi bracharensis, pp. 172-173 Sancti Petri martyris de Rates archiepiscopi bracharensis, pp. 194-197 Geraldi archiepiscopi bracharensis), pp. 205-220 Kyriale (with some prosulae), pp. 221-242 In agenda mortuorum, pp. 243-301 Vesperale (with a few masses occasionally), pp. 302-335 Proprium sanctorum, pp. 337-386 Commune sanctorum, pp. 387-406 Proprium de tempore (consisting of a few masses for weekdays before Easter), pp. 407-414 In festo Sancti Petri Ratensis (Office antiphons), p. 415 In festo divi Antonii, pp. 416-419 Missa de Septem doloribus Beatae Mariae Virginis
Type of script
Type of notation

Initials on blue, red and black, with filigree designs on same/alternate colours; two-line capitals on red and/or blue, with filigree designs on both colours or on the alternate colours.

On the bottom of the first page, arms of the Archbishop of Braga D. Diogo de Sousa (1505-1532).
Condition of document

Very good; some humidity.

Page layout

c. 280 x c. 380 mm, one column c. 205 x c. 295 mm; 9 lines of text, alternated with music; from page 387 on, 7 lines of text alternated with music.


Lately added pagination from 1 up to 420 (over original roman numbered foliation, which is not covering the book in its entirety); original roman numbered foliation ends on folio clxxxxij (page 386 in the lately added pagination); from page 387 on, the lately added pagination is over an arabic numbered foliation introduced in a period in between (18th century?), going from 1 up to 15; from page 417 up to the end, lately added pagination goes alone.


Leather over boards; reinforced corners and center with decorated golden iron.

Pages 7-10 are replacing original folios 4 and 5; pages 223 and 224 are an addition; pages 343-346 are replacing original folios 171 and 172; from page 387 on, all folios are an addition.

FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro, 'As origens do Gradual de Braga', Didaskalia, XXV (1995), pp. 57-96.

VEIGA, Diogo Alte da, 'O Alleluia na monodia litúrgica em Portugal até 1600: comparações melódicas' (Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2010).

CHAVES, Zuelma, 'O Ofício de Defuntos - repertório musicado monódico, em fontes portuguesas, até c. 1700'  (Dissertação de Mestrado, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, 2017).

Description author/s

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 1386
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
001 001 Ad te levavi animam meam deus Adventus, dom. 1 MI In g00489 8
001 002 Vias tuas domine demonstra mihi et Adventus, dom. 1 MI InV g00489a 8
001 003 Universi qui te exspectant non confundentur Adventus, dom. 1 MI Gr g00490 1
001 004 Vias tuas domine notas fac mihi Adventus, dom. 1 MI GrV g00490a 1
002 001 Alleluia Ostende nobis domine misericordiam tuam Adventus, dom. 1 MI Al 507038 8
002 002 Alleluia Ecce virgo concipiet et pariet Adventus, dom. 1 MI Al g02153 2
003 001 Ad te domine levavi animam meam Adventus, dom. 1 MI Of g00493 2
003 002 Dominus dabit benignitatem et terra nostra Adventus, dom. 1 MI Cm g00494 1
003 003 Populus Sion ecce dominus veniet ad Adventus, dom. 2 MI In g00495 7
004 001 Qui regis Israel intende qui deducis Adventus, dom. 2 MI InV g00495a 7
004 002 Ex Sion species decoris ejus deus Adventus, dom. 2 MI Gr g00496 5
004 003 Congregate illi sanctos ejus qui ordinaverunt Adventus, dom. 2 MI GrV g00496a 5
004 004 Alleluia Laetatus sum in his quae Adventus, dom. 2 MI Al g00498 1
005 001 Alleluia Virtutes caeli movebuntur et tunc Adventus, dom. 2 MI Al g02155 7
005 002 Deus tu convertens vivificabis nos et Adventus, dom. 2 MI Of g00499 3
006 001 Jerusalem surge et sta in excelso Adventus, dom. 2 MI Cm g00500 2
006 002 Gaudete in domino semper iterum dico Adventus, dom. 3 MI In g00501 1
007 001 Et pax dei quae exsuperat omnem Adventus, dom. 3 MI InV g00501a 1
007 002 Qui sedes Domine super Cherubim excita Adventus, dom. 3 MI Gr g00502 7
007 003 Qui regis Israel intende qui deducis Adventus, dom. 3 MI GrV g00502a 7