P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 0217A

MM 0217A

P-Cug MM 0217A

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
early 17th century
30 miscellaneous compositions
Condition of document

Ink corrosion has created holes in the first five folios, destroying significant parts of the notation; there is also considerable bleed-through throughout

Page layout

oblong, 139 x 230 mm


16 folios. Modern pencil foliation, top right of rectos (1, 3, 5 etc), numbering each of the two gatherings separately


MM 217A is comprised of two gatherings from a bassus partbook, which in Rees (1995) are designated MM 217Ai and MM 217Aii



MM 217 is comprised of gatherings from two partbooks of two distinct sets of part books: MM 217A (bassus partbook) and MM 217B (cantus partbook). No other books from either set have yet been located. MM 217A is comprised of two gatherings from a bassus partbook: MM 217Ai and MM 217Aii. These are numbered consecutively on PEM (fols 001r-016v), but in two series in Rees (1995). In PEM, the first gathering consists of fols 001r-004v; the second gathering, fols 005r-016v. The majority of works are unica, and so the number of voice parts for many of the items is not known; this is an important source for music by Aires Fernandes. The cover of MM 217B is a loose bifolio bearing the inscription 'Da livr(ari)a do Noviciado de s(an)ta Cruz de Coimbra', which is nearly identical to an inscription at the beginning of P-Cug MM 44. This suggests that this source once belonged to the novices' house at the Monastery of Santa Cruz, as did MM 44 (see Rees (1995), 305)

REES, Owen (1995), Polyphony in Portugal c. 1530 – c. 1620. Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra, New York & London: Garland, pp. 305-07 

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