O lux beata trinitas*

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Cantus Database
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Fontes Cantus Bohemiae
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Cantus Planus in Polonia
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Medieval Music Manuscripts Online
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Fragmenta Manuscriptorum Musicalium Hungariae
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Melodiarium Hungariae Medii Aevi Digitale
5 chant(s)
001vO lux beataH1Dom. 17 p. Pent.SEMM
A-Gu 29066rO lux beata*VHDom. per annum*ImageCD
A-KN 1012122rO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
A-KN 1018050rO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
A-KN 589028rO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
A-KR VI/258045vO lux beata*V2HDe TrinitateCD
A-KR VI/258060vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe RegumCD
A-LIs 290156rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*ImageCD
A-LIs 290242vO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
A-LIs 290244vO lux beata*V2HDe Trinitate*ImageCD
A-SF XI 480048rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annumCD
A-SF XI 480057rO lux beata*VHDom. 3 p. Epiph.*CD
A-VOR 287111rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
A-VOR 287245rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.*ImageCD
A-VOR 287249rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Sapientia*ImageCD
A-VOR 287252vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Job*ImageCD
A-VOR 287257rO lux beata*VHDe Tobia*ImageCD
A-VOR 287258vO lux beata*VHDe Esther*ImageCD
A-VOR 287259vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Judith*ImageCD
A-VOR 287261vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Machabaeis*ImageCD
A-Wda D-4031rO lux*VHDom. 2 p. Epiph.*ImageCD
A-Wda D-4078rO lux*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
A-Wda D-4079rO lux*V2HDe Trinitate*ImageCD
B-Gu Hs BKT.006059rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
B-Gu Hs BKT.006066vO lux beata*V2HDe Trinitate*ImageCD
B-Gu Hs BKT.006067rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate,8*ImageCD
CDN-Lu M2150172rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 3 p. Pent.*CD
CH-Fco Ms. 2046vO lux beata*VHDom. per annum*ImageCD
CH-Fco Ms. 2058vO lux beata*V2HSabbato per annum*ImageCD
CH-Fco Ms. 2059rO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*ImageCD
CH-Fco Ms. 2131vO lux beata*VHDe Regum*ImageCD
CZ-Bu (Brno) R 387004vO lux beata*VHDe TrinitateFCB
CZ-Bu (Brno) R 387007rO lux beata*V2HDe TrinitateFCB
CZ-Pn (Praha) XII A 24050vO lux beata*VHDom. per annumFCB
CZ-Pst DE I 7211rO lux*V2HDe Trinitate*CD
CZ-Pst DE I 7227rO lux beata*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.,8*CD
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI E 13163O lux beata trinitas*VHDe TrinitateFCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI E 13171O lux beata trinitas*V2HDe TrinitateFCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11069rO lux beata*VHDom. 2 p. Epiph.FCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11091vO lux beata*VHDom. SeptuagesimaeFCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11203vO lux beata*VHDe TrinitateFCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) VI G 11210vO lux*V2HDe TrinitateFCB
CZ-Pu (Praha) XII E 15c049vO lux beata trinitas et principalis VH1De TrinitateFCB
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c115vO lux beata*VHDom. per annumCD
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c125rO lux beata*VHDom. 2 p. Epiph.CD
Cz-Pak (Praha) Cim 7134rO lux beata trinitas et principalis VHDe Trinitate8FCB
D-AAm G 20118vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe TrinitateCD
D-AAm G 20201vO lux beata trinitas etXH01De Trinitate*CD
D-B Theol. Lat. Qu. 149015rO lux beata trinitas etHDe TrinitateCPL
D-FUl Aa 55037rO lux*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
D-KA Aug. LX231vO lux*V2HSabbato per annum*ImageCD
D-KNd 215110rO lux beata trinitas*V2HDe TrinitateImageCD
D-KNd 215277vO lux beata trinitas et VH01Hymni*ImageCD
D-MZb A200vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*CD
D-MZb A246vO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
D-MZb A261vO lux beata*VHDom. Sexagesimae*CD
D-MZb D012vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Sapientia*CD
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1051rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*CD
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1062vO lux beata*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1063rO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1132rO lux beata*VHDe Regum*CD
D-Ma 12o Cmm 1324rO lux beata trinitas etV2HSabbato per annumCD
D-Mbs Clm 4303111vO lux beata*VHDom. 2 p. Epiph.*ImageCD
D-W 28 Helmst.001vO lux beata*VHOctava de Trinitate*CD
D-W 28 Helmst.006rO lux beata*V2HOctava de Trinitate*CD
D-W 29 Helmst.147vO lux*VHDe Trinitate*CD
DK-Kk 3449 8o [08] VIII001rO lux beata trinitas etVH01De RegumImageCD
E-BAR s.s.072rO lux beata trinitas etHDom. 2 p. Epiph.1SEMM
E-BAR s.s.092vO lux beata trinitasHSabb. Hebd. 2 p. Ep.?SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, M 251045rO lux beata trinitas etH1SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, M 251048rO lux beata trinitasH1SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619020vO lux beataHSabb. p. EpiphaniamSEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619026vO lux beata trinitasHSabb. Septuagesimae1SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619028rO lux beataHDom. SexagesimaeSEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619028vO lux beataHDom. Quinquagesimae1SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619059rO lux beataHDom. 2 p. Pent.1SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619059vO lux beataHDom. 3 p. Pent.SEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619065rO lux beataHDe TrinitateSEMM
E-Bbc E-Bbc, Ms. 619106rO lux beataHTransfiguratio Dom.SEMM
E-H Ms. 20060rO lux beata trinitas etHOctava Epiphaniae1SEMM
E-H Ms. 20078vO lux beata trinitas*HSabbato per annum1SEMM
E-H Ms. 7 (ant. 5)085vO lux beata trinitas etHSabb. Hebd. 2 p. Ep.SEMM
E-H Ms. 7 (ant. 5)099vO lux beataHSabb. Hebd. 2 p. Ep.SEMM
E-H Ms. 7 (ant. 5)115vO lux beata trinitasHDom. SeptuagesimaeSEMM
E-H Ms. 7 (ant. 5)124vO lux beataHSabb. SexagesimaeSEMM
E-H ms. 8063vO lux beata trinitasHDe Trinitate,8SEMM
E-H ms. 8093rO lux beataHDom. 11 p. Pent.SEMM
E-H ms. 8108rO lux beata trinitasHDe JobSEMM
E-H ms. 8117vO lux beataHDom. 18 p. Pent.SEMM
E-H ms. 8128vO lux beataHDom. 20 p. Pent.SEMM
E-H ms. 8147vO lux beataHDom. 24 p. Pent.SEMM
E-LUc s.s.141rO lux beata trinitas*HStephaniSEMM
E-SI ms. 9019vO lux beata*HDom. 1 p. Epiph.,8SEMM
E-SI ms. 9026vO lux beata*HDom. 2 p. Epiph.,8SEMM
E-SI ms. 9029vO lux beata trinitas*HDom. SeptuagesimaeSEMM
E-SI ms. 9032rO lux*HDom. SexagesimaeSEMM
E-SI ms. 9033rO lux beata*HDom. QuinquagesimaeSEMM
E-SI ms. 9037vO lux beata*HDom. 1 QuadragesimaeSEMM
E-SI ms. 9043rO lux beata*HDom. 2 QuadragesimaeSEMM
E-SI ms. 9100vO lux beata trinitas*HDe TrinitateSEMM
E-SI ms. 9104rO lux beata*HDe TrinitateSEMM
E-SI ms. 9105rO lux beata*HDe RegumSEMM
E-TZ Ms. 18017vO lux beata trinitas [etHDom. p. Epiphaniam*SEMM
E-Tc 44.2114vO lux beata*VHDe TrinitateCD
E-Tc 44.2126rO lux beata*VHTransfiguratio Dom.CD
E-Tc 44.2126vO lux*V2HTransfiguratio Dom.CD
E-Tc 44.2193rO lux beata*VHDominica in estateCD
E-Tc E-Tc, Archivo y Biblioteca Capitulares de la Catedral de Toledo,Ms. 33.4 . 077rO lux beata trinitas etHSabbato per annum1SEMM
E-ZAahp Perg. Mus. 199AvO lux beata (trinitas et principalis)VHDom. per annum6?ImagePEM
F-AS 893098vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Septuagesimae*ImageCD
F-AS 893110rO lux beata*VHDom. 1 Quadragesimae*ImageCD
F-AS 893198rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate*ImageCD
F-AS 893202vO lux beata trinitas*V2HDe Trinitate*ImageCD
F-AS 893203rO lux beata*VHDe Regum*ImageCD
F-AS 893416vO lux beata*VHTransfiguratio Dom.*ImageCD
F-AS 893417vO lux beata*V2HTransfiguratio Dom.*ImageCD
F-CA 38052vO lux*VHDom. per annumCD
F-CA 38065vO lux*VHDom. 3 p. Epiph.*CD
F-CA 38066rO lux*VHDom. 4 p. Epiph.*CD
F-CA 38071vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. QuinquagesimaeCD
F-CA 38294vO lux beata*VHTransfiguratio Dom.CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4023rO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. 2 p. Epiph.CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4023rO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. 2 p. Epiph.CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4023vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 3 p. Epiph.*CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4024rO lux*VHDom. 4 p. Epiph.*CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4024rO lux*VHDom. 5 p. Epiph.*CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4024vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 6 p. Epiph.*CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4025vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Sexagesimae*CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4025vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Quinquagesimae*CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4084vO lux beata trinitas etVHDe MachabaeisCD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4084vO lux*VHDe Prophetis*CD
F-CA Impr. XVI C 4200vO lux beata trinitas*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
F-LA : Ms 0263157vO lux beata trinitas et principalis VHSabbato per annumImageMMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01235154vO lux beata trinitas et principalis V2HDom. per annumImageMMMO
F-Pn : NAL 01236108vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. SeptuagesimaeImageMMMO
F-Pn Lat. 12044038rO lux beata trinitas*V2HSabbato per annumImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 12044065vO lux beata*VHDom. SeptuagesimaeImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 12044122vO lux beata*VHDe TrinitateImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 12044126rO lux beata*VHDominica in estateImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 12601015vO lux beata trinitas etV2HSabbato per annum*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 12601024vO lux beata trinitas et*VHDe TrinitateImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 12601029rO lux beata trinitas*V2HDe TrinitateImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 12601207vO lux beata trinitas et*VHDe RegumImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181080vO lux beata trinitas*V2HDom. per annum*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181096vO lux beata trinitas*V2HSabbato per annumImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181177vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181185rO lux beata trinitas et V2HDom. per annumImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181185rO lux beata trinitas et V2HDom. per annumImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181197vO lux beata*V2HSabbato per annum*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181198rO lux*VHDom. p. Epiphaniam*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181204rO lux beata*V2HDom. Septuagesimae*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15181209rO lux beata*VHDom. Quinquagesimae*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15182065vO lux beata trinitas*V2HDom. per annum*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15182080vO lux beata trinitas*V2HSabbato per annumImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15182106rO lux beata trinitas etV2HDominica in estateImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15182113vO lux beata*V2HSabbato in estate*ImageCD
F-Pn Lat. 15182267rO lux beata*VHTransfiguratio Dom.*ImageCD
F-TOm 149123vO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. per annumCD
F-TOm 149168rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
F-VAL 114030rO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. per annumCD
F-VAL 114037vO lux beata*VHDom. SeptuagesimaeCD
F-VAL 114039rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. SexagesimaeCD
F-VAL 114039vO lux beata*VHDom. QuinquagesimaeCD
F-VAL 114042rO lux beata*VHDom. 1 QuadragesimaeCD
F-VAL 114044vO lux beata*VHDom. 2 Quadragesimae*CD
F-VAL 114082vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe TrinitateCD
F-VAL 114084vO lux beata*V2HDe TrinitateCD
F-VAL 114085vO lux beata*VHDominica in estateCD
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9295O lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.*CD
GB-Lbl Add MS 30847153vO lux beata trinitasHDom. 1 Quadragesimae*SEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30848162vO lux beata*HDe TrinitateSEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30848165rO lux beata*HDe TrinitateSEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30850138rO lux beata*HDe TrinitateSEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30850141rO lux beata*HDe TrinitateSEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30850204rO lux beata*HDom. 1 p. Pent.SEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30850206vO lux beata*HDe SapientiaSEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30850208vO lux beata*HDe JobSEMM
GB-Lbl Add MS 30850210rO lux beata*HDe TobiaSEMM
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202031vO lux beata*VHDom. per annum*CD
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202036vO lux beata*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202048rO lux*VHDom. Sexagesimae*CD
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202131rO lux beata*VHDe Regum*CD
GB-Ob Can. Lit. 202134vO lux beata*VHDe Job*CD
GB-WO F.160030rO lux beata*VHDom. per annumCD
GB-WO F.160035rO lux*VHDom. 3 p. Epiph.CD
GB-WO F.160035vO lux*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
GB-WO F.160038rO lux*VHDom. Sexagesimae*CD
GB-WO F.160040rO lux*VHDom. Quinquagesimae*CD
GB-WO F.160079rO lux*VHDe Trinitate*CD
GB-WO F.160082rO lux*VHDe Regum*CD
GB-WO F.160166rO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. per annumCD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs)060O lux beata*VHDom. per annumCD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs)070O lux*VHDom. 3 p. Epiph.CD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs)071O lux*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs)076O lux*VHDom. Sexagesimae*CD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs)080O lux*VHDom. Quinquagesimae*CD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs)158O lux*VHDe Trinitate*CD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs)164O lux*VHDe Regum*CD
H-Bu Fr. l. m. 2541_versoO lux beata TrinitasHTempus per annum, Sabbato8FRH
H-Bu lat. 118106rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*CD
H-Bu lat. 118133rO lux beata*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
H-Bu lat. 118134vO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
H-Bu lat. 119059vO lux beata*VHDe Regum*CD
I-Ac 693035rO lux beata trinitas et VHDom. per annum*CD
I-Ac 693046rO lux beata trinitas*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
I-Ac 693054vO lux beata trinitas et VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
I-Ac 693163vO lux beata*VHDe Regum*CD
I-Ac 694055rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*CD
I-Ac 694066rO lux beata trinitas*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
I-Ac 694074vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
I-Ac 694178vO lux beata*VHDe Regum*CD
I-BV V 19172vO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. per annum*CD
I-BV V 19189rO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
I-BV V 19195vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Sexagesimae*CD
I-BV V 19201vO lux beata*VHDom. Quinquagesimae*CD
I-BV V 20138rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate*CD
I-BV V 20142vO lux beata trinitas*V2HDe Trinitate*CD
I-MC 542069O lux beata*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
I-MC 542115O lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
I-Nn vi.E.20051rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*CD
I-Nn vi.E.20062vO lux beata trinitas et*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
I-Nn vi.E.20067vO lux beata trinitas et*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
I-Nn vi.E.20172vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Regum*CD
I-Nn vi.E.20392vO lux beata trinitas etV2HSabbato per annumCD
I-Rv C.5181vO lux*V2HDe Regum*CD
I-Rv C.5211vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe TrinitateCD
I-VCd CLXX033rO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. per annumCD
I-VCd CLXX041rO lux beata*VHDom. 2 p. Epiph.,8*CD
I-VCd CLXX042vO lux beata*VHDom. 3 p. Epiph.*CD
I-VCd CLXX047vO lux beata*VHDom. Sexagesimae*CD
I-VCd CLXX049rO lux beata*VHDom. Quinquagesimae*CD
I-VCd CLXX179vO lux beata trinitas etHHymni*CD
I-VCd CLXX201rO lux beata trinitas etV2HDe Trinitate*CD
III.d.20422O lux beata Trinitas hymniTrin8MEL
MR 10066rO lux beata Trinitas hymniTrin8MEL
MR 21016rO lux beata Trinitas hymniTrin8MEL
MR 21*016rO lux beata Trinitas hymniTrin8MEL
MR 440O lux beata Trinitas hymniTrin8MEL
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7)119rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe TrinitateImageCD
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7)120vO lux beata trinitas et VHVDe RegumImageCD
NL-ZUa 6033rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate*CD
NL-ZUa 6036vO lux beata*V2HDe Trinitate*CD
NL-ZUa 6250rO lux beata trinitas etVHHymniCD
P-BRs Ms. 032100vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 2 p. Epiph.*ImagePEM
P-BRs Ms. 032118vO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*ImagePEM
P-BRs Ms. 032247vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate*ImagePEM
P-BRs Ms. 032261vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.*ImagePEM
P-BRs Ms. 032270vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. mensis Augusti*ImagePEM
P-BRs Ms. 034262O lux beata trinitas et principalis VHDe Trinitate5ImagePEM
P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (11)versoO lux beata trinitas *V2HTransfiguratio Dom.ImagePEM
P-Cua Liber Catenatus 152vO lux beata trinitas et principalisV2HSabbato per annum*ImagePEM
P-EVpc 000210r-210vO lux beata trinitas et principalisVHV HDe TrinitateImagePEM
P-LOam Registo dos alardos militares, liv. 001ArO lux beataHDom. 2 p. Pent.*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.055rO lux beata trinitas et principalisV2HSabbato per annum*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.075vO lux beata*VHDom. 1 p. Epiphaniam*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.079vO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.081vO lux beata*VHDom. Sexagesimae*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.144vO lux beata trinitas et principalisVHDe Trinitate*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.153vO lux beata*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.155rO lux beata*VHDom. mensis Augusti*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.156rO lux beata*VHDom. mensis Sept.*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.157vO lux beata*VHDom. mensis Sept.*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.158vO lux beata*VHDom. mensis Octobris*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.160rO lux beata*VHDom. mensis Nov.*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.338vO lux beata *VHTransfiguratio Dom.*ImagePEM
P-Ln RES. 253 P.340vO lux beata trinitas *V2HTransfiguratio Dom.*ImagePEM
P-SAscm Frag. 003BvO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate*ImagePEM
PL-GD Mar. F 408053vO lux beata*VHDom. 1 p. EpiphaniamImageCPL
PL-KIk 1111rO lux beata trinitas etVHDe TrinitateCPL
PL-KIk 1114vO lux*V2HDe TrinitateCPL
PL-KIk 1121rO lux*VHCPL
PL-KIk 1111rO lux beata trinitas etVHDe TrinitateCD
PL-KIk 1114vO lux*V2HDe TrinitateCD
PL-KIk 1121rO lux*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.CD
PL-Kkar 2 (Rkp 14)082rO lux*VHDom. per annum*CD
PL-Kkar 2 (Rkp 14)094rO lux*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
PL-Kkar 5 (Rkp 13)057vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*CD
PL-Kkar 5 (Rkp 13)067rO lux*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12119rO lux beata*VHDe TrinitateImageCPL
PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12123vO lux beata trinitas*V2HDe TrinitateImageCPL
PL-PŁsem MsEPl 12128rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe RegumImageCPL
PL-STAb ms. 4081vO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate-CPL
PL-WRu R 503095vO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate*CD
PL-WRu R 503098vO lux*V2HDe Trinitate*CD
PL-WRu R 503101vO lux*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.,8*CD
PL-Wn rps 12720 V0276vO lux*VHDe TrinitateCPL
PL-Wn rps 12720 V0286vO lux beata*V2HDe TrinitateCPL
SI-Lna 18 (olim 17)056rO lux beata*VHDom. per annum*CD
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18)005vO lux beata trinitas*VHDe Trinitate*CD
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18)009vO lux beata trinitas*V2HDe Trinitate*CD
SI-Lna 19 (olim 18)014vO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. 2 p. Pent.*CD
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6127rO lux beata trinitas*VHDe TrinitateImageCSK
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6130vO lux beata*V2HDe TrinitateImageCSK
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava IIa EC Lad.4014vO lux beata*VHDe TrinitateImageCSK
TR-Itks 42114rO lux beata*VHDe Trinitate*CD
US-Cn 24068rO lux beata trinitas etVHDom. per annumCD
US-Cn 24076rO lux beata trinitas*V2HSabbato per annum*CD
US-Cn 24079rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. Septuagesimae*CD
US-Cn 24135vO lux beata*VHDe Regum*CD
V-CVbav Vat.lat. 8737024rO lux beata trinitas*VHDom. per annum*ImageCD
V-CVbav Vat.lat. 8737037vO lux beata*V2HSabbato per annum*ImageCD
V-CVbav Vat.lat. 8737040vO lux beata*VHDom. Septuagesimae*ImageCD
V-CVbav Vat.lat. 8737141rO lux beata*VHDe Regum*ImageCD