P-LOam (Loulé) Arquivo Municipal de Loulé Registo dos alardos militares, liv. 001
P-LOam Registo dos alardos militares, liv. 001
Aquitanian (Portuguese variety) on a single line in red.
Blue and red flourished initials.
'Pompo' and '(...) da Costa' (fol. Ar). 'Vigilia' (fol. Br). On the folio Bv, before the restauration it was possible to read 'Militar'; '1570 Vereações' and other illegible words (see image 'Bv detail').
Text arranged in two columns.
The two folios were sewed together and, until very recently, used as a book cover for the register book 'Registo dos alardos militares (1555-1569)'.
CHAVES, Zuelma and FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro (2019), 'Fragmentos sonoros em Loulé: vestígios de vivências religiosas medievais' in Atas do II Encontro de História de Loulé (Loulé: Câmara Municipal de Loulé - Arquivo Municipal), pp. 223-241.