P-Cua (Coimbra) Arquivo Distrital e da Universidade IV-3ª Gav. 44 (11)

IV-3ª Gav. 44 (11)

P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (11)

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
c. 1200

This fragment contains chants for the office of Transfiguratio Domini, from the end of the first Nocturn to Lauds. As a feast introduced relatively late (9th c. circa), it lacked fixity, with "different chants [drawn] from [other] traditional feasts, like Christmas, Epiphany, the Easter season and even the Holy Trinity." 

The present source gathers musical items from De Trinitate, Sabbato Hebdomadae 1 Quadragesimae and Commune Plurimorum Martyrum, with readings taken from the Gospels and from the hagiographies of pope Sixtus II and his deacons Felicissimus and Agapitus, as well as Cyriacus (only a few lines at the end of the fragment verso). 

Type of script
Type of notation

Red initials.

Inscriptions written no earlier than c. 1700, seen between the columns of the verso: Tombo de Pereiras, e anexas. / Pereiras V/. 260. / Tombo da Igreja de S. Salvador de Pereiras e suas annexas. / Nº 260 /. Fuller inscription at the bottom: "Tombo da Igreja de São Salvador de Pereira, e suas annexas, São Tiago de Moldes, e Santa Maria de Remelhe, feito no anno de mil, quinhentos, sincoenta e um" [1551].
Condition of document

Single leaf fragment in fair condition. Folds along the borders. Dirtiness and spots on both sides, mainly on the exposed one (verso). Main ink vanished in some points but still legible but red ink almost completely faded, making rubrics almost impossible to read. Library stamp on the bottom of the recto.

Page layout

c. 385 x c. 285 mm, two columns 295 x c. 85 mm.


Original foliation (lxxxiiii) at the top of the recto.

Other sources in the Cantus Database do not index the chants reported here as pertaining to Transfiguratio Domini, rather to one of the three other feasts mentioned. The two major notated Braga sources in which the feast also appears (P-BRs Ms. 28 and Ms. 34) share only a few chants with this fragment. Later, 16th c. text-only breviaries from Braga and Évora do have the same order of chants, although paired with different Matins readings. Such evidence hints at a complex net of liturgical interrelations.   The late inscriptions (see above) allow to cautiously localize the fragment as being held at a certain point either in the zone of Barcelos, some twenty kilometers West of Braga, or in Braga, whose See superintended the parish of São Salvador de Pereira. More in-depth analysis might ascertain whether it was also originally produced in the area.
For musicological reviews of Transfiguratio Domini, see Gábor Kiss, 'Candor est lucis aeternae: the "Transfiguration" of a New Feast and of an Alleluia', Studia Musicologica, 56/2-3 (2015), pp. 217-31 (from which the above quote is taken) and David Hiley, 'The Office of the Transfiguration by Peter the Venerable, Abbot of Cluny (1122-1156) in the manuscript Paris, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, fonds latin 17716', in Chant and its Peripheries. Essays in Honour of Terence Bailey, ed. Bryan Gillingham and Paul Merkley, Musicological Studies 72 (1998), pp. 224-240.
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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 27
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff Diff db
recto 1 Quis deus magnus* Transfiguratio Domini M R 1.3 007498 *
recto 11 O veneranda martyrum * Transfiguratio Domini M R 2.3 007300
recto 13 Caritas pater est * | magnus dominus * Transfiguratio Domini M A 3.1 001773 7
recto 14 Una igitur* | quam amabilis * Transfiguratio Domini M A 3.2 005267 8
recto 15 Verax est pater* | benedixisti domine * Transfiguratio Domini M A 3.3 005358 8
recto 16 Benedictus es domine deus patrem nostrorum | Transfiguratio Domini M W 3. 007977 r
recto 17 Benedicamus* Transfiguratio Domini M R 3.1 006239 *
recto 3 Te invocamus te* | afferte domino* Transfiguratio Domini M A 2.1 005119 *
recto 4 Spes nostra* | dominus noster* Transfiguratio Domini M A 2.2 004991 *
recto 5 Libera nos* | omnes gentes* Transfiguratio Domini M A 2.3 003619 *
recto 6 Exultent iusti* | in conspectu* Transfiguratio Domini M W 2. 008070 r
recto 7 Sancti tui domine mirabile * Transfiguratio Domini M R 2.1 007592 *
recto 9 Verbera car[nificum] * Transfiguratio Domini M R 2.2 007836 *
verso 1 H(onor virtus) et potestas* Transfiguratio Domini M R 3.2 006870 *
verso 10 Verbo domini caeli firmati sunt | Et Transfiguratio Domini L W 008237 r
verso 11 Nemini dixeritis visionem donec filius hominis Transfiguratio Domini L A B 003869 2 d 152g
verso 12 O lux beata trinitas * Transfiguratio Domini V2 H 008358
verso 13 Sit nomen domini benedictum | Ex hoc Transfiguratio Domini V2 W 008199.1 *
verso 14 Visionem quam vidistis nemini dixeritis donec Transfiguratio Domini V2 A M 005465 1 *
verso 15 Gaudent in caelis * Transfiguratio Domini V2 A R 002927 *