P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1245

C 1245

P-G C 1245

Source type
Document type
13th - 14th cent.
The Exsultet is found on the back cover (fol. B) but it lacks the beginning and the end. The text starts on 'leticiam fugat (odia) concor[diam parat]'. The Exsultet on this fragment lacks the mention of bees found in the original Latin version of the Exsultet ('Apis ceteris quae subjecta sunt homini animantibus antecellit').
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Medium size neumes around a red line. The axis of the notation is slightly slanted and the square punctum looks rather like a parallelogram. The lozenge is used in isolation one step above the red line, but not consistently. Custodes consistently used.


Capitals in red with black decoration or in green with red decoration. Some plain initials in red, green and blue.

Condition of document

Non-central bifolium damaged and currently used as book cover of the 'Livro de Vedorias' from 1576 to 1586. Fols. Ar-Bv are the external cover and less readable due to some spots and traces of humidity and dirtiness. Two library stickers on fol. Bv and a 16th-century inscription with the contents of the book. The top and bottom margins were folded to fit the size of the book the fragment currently covers.

Page layout

Front cover (Fol. A) 20 text lines on a full-page column. Back cover (Fol. B): 10 text lines alternated with 10 red lines for notation.


The original foliation is absent. The front cover (fol. A) comes first as it contains texts for Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. The back cover (fol. B) contains a notated Exsultet sung during the night mass of Holy Saturday.

Fragments P-G C 1245 and P-G C 809 (available at http://pemdatabase.eu/source/39933) originally came from the same Sacramentary.

Inventário dos códices iluminados até 1500, Vol. 2, p. 61.

Indexing notes
The description of this fragment was prepared by Diogo Alte da Veiga and Elsa De Luca. The musical index was prepared by E. De Luca

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 1 of 1
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
Fol. Br 001 [Exsultet jam angelica turba caelorum exsultent Sabbato Sancto MI VaHW 850202 ?