P-BRam (Braga) Arquivo Municipal Nº 001 Códices

Nº 001 Códices

P-BRam Nº 001 Códices

Source type
Document type
12th century
Chants for Dom. 1 Quadragesimae and Fer. 2 Hebd. 1 Quad.
Type of notation
Condition of document

Central bifolium in mediocre condition. Folds and sewing holes suggest that the fragment was used as book cover.
Folio 36 was severely trimmed along the vertical edge and almost 1/4 of its original contents is now lost. Many of the chants of the bifolium are now almost unreadable and only the comparison with other Portuguese sources permitted the identification of the musical contents of this fragment.


Original foliation xxxvi and xxxvii can be read on the verso of the two folios.

Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Genre Cantus ID Mode
36r 001 Angelis suis mandavit de te ut Quadragesimae, dom. 1 Gr g00676 ?
36r 002 In manibus portabunt te [ne] unquam Quadragesimae, dom. 1 GrV g00676a ?
36r 003 Qui habitat in adjutorio altissimi in Quadragesimae, dom. 1 Tc g00678 ?
36r 004 Dicet [domino] susceptor meus es et Quadragesimae, dom. 1 TcV g00678a ?
36r 005 [Quoniam] ipse liberavit me de laqueo [ Quadragesimae, dom. 1 TcV g00678b
36r 006 S[capulis] suis obumbravit tibi et Quadragesimae, dom. 1 TcV g00678c ?
36r 007 Scuto circumdabit te [veritas] ejus non Quadragesimae, dom. 1 TcV g00678d ?
36r 008 A sagitta volante per [diem a Quadragesimae, dom. 1 TcV g00678e
36v 001 Ca(dent a latere tuo mille Quadragesimae, dom. 1 TcV g00678f ?
36v 002 Scapulis suis obum(brabit tibi Domi) Quadragesimae, dom. 1 Of g00691 ?
36v 003 Scapulis suis obumbrabit tibi et sub Quadragesimae, dom. 1 Cm g00692 ?
36v 004 Sicut oculi servorum in manibus dominorum Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 In g00693 ?
37r 001 (...) Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 InV ?
37r 002 Protector noster aspice deus et respice Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 Gr g00709 ?
37r 003 D(omine) deus virtutum exaudi (preces) Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 GrV g00709a ?
37r 004 (Venite benedicti patris mei percipite regnum Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 Tc g02406 ?
37r 005 (Quae nec oculus vidit nec auris Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 TcV g02406a ?
37r 006 (Percipietis immarcescibilem aeternae gloriae coronam et Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 TcV g02406b ?
37v 001 Levabo oculos meos et considerabo mirabilia Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 Of g00694 ?
37v 002 Voce mea ad dominum clamavi et Quadrag., hebd. 1, fer. 2 Cm g02019 ?