P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta P 627

P 627

P-G P 627

Source type
Document type
12th - 13th cent.
Fully noted bifolium. In general, the chants found in fragment P-G P 627 contain peculiar textual variants, like an extra alleluia added at the end (see for example the antiphon 'Clarifica' 001826 on fol. Av) but also there are chants currently not catalogued in Cantus Index, like the antiphon 'Petite et accipietis' whose text could not be added in the Cantus Index catalogue because of a lacuna in the middle of the chant. On fol. Arv there are some chants for Rogation Days and the Vigil of Ascension Day. On fol. Brv the liturgical feast(s) has been left unidentifed. Despite some of the chants found here are commonly sung during feasts related to Pentecost, the selection of pieces in the fragment does not match any other source indexed to this date in the Cantus-Index related databases. The comparison with manuscripts representative of the Braga liturgical use, such as P-BRas Ms. 32, has shown occasional correspondences. For example, the order of the antiphons on fol. Bv does not exactly match the antiphons for Dom. Pentecost in P-BRas Ms. 32 because antiphons 003643 and 002889 are swapped. Probably the closest liturgical source to this fragment is F-Pnm lat. 1090, an Antiphoner from Marseille cathedral, dated between 1190 and 1200 in Aquitanian notation and Cathedral cursus. The index of this manuscript is available at http://cantus.uwaterloo.ca/index?source=123627.
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Medium size neumes around a red line. The axis of the notation is slightly slanted to the right. The lozenge seems to be used randomly. Additionally, there are many instances in which the difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is not clearly defined. The lozenge is used as lower note of a clivis (neutral – low) but on few rare occasions it is found isolated on syllable. Custodes absent.

Condition of document

Despite the bifolium is currently used as book cover, it is in decent condition and still quite readable. Fols. Av - Br are the external cover of the book.The bifolium was irregularly trimmed with some loss of contents, especially along the external edge of fol. A. There is a library stickher on Av and a library sticker on the spine of the book. Some later hand inscriptions can be found on both fols. Av and Br, the inscriptions are written reversed with respect to the text and they display the shelf-mark of the book and its contents.

Page layout

One full-page column, 9 lines of text alternated with music.

Completed on

Musical Items

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