P-Cua (Coimbra) Arquivo Distrital e da Universidade IV-3ª Gav. 44 (20)

IV-3ª Gav. 44 (20)

P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (20)

Source type
Document type
c. 1100
Type of notation

Red initials; rubrics in red

Ar: "2º livro que te[m] algus [... ? ...]" "Tombo [... ? ...] 1528"
Condition of document

Poorly preserved, damaged fragment; text faded in many places; winkles, spots and a deteriorated upper area. The original state of folio B already included a hole, which was taken into account by the copyist.

Page layout

Fol. A: 382 x 226 mm, 1 col. /15 wl, 303 x 160 mm. Fol. B: 379 x 234 mm, 1 col. /15 wl, c. 305 x 158 mm.

This fragment covered a book with documents from the monastery of Sanfins de Friestas (Valença), near the northern Portuguese border. The monastery and its properties were given to the Jesuits by the King in 1545, who took possession (after some reconstruction work) in 1554; this was intended as a means to support expenses related to the Colégio de Jesus, founded in Coimbra in 1542. With the extinction of the Order, the College's administrative documents (including those concerning Sanfins de Friestas) entered the University archives. From the same book another fragment survives, P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (03). Both fragments show close proximity with the antiphoner E-Tc 44.2; a few chants are found, however, among early notated sources, only in E-Tc 44.1; the breviaries of Braga and Évora are also closely related.

VASCONCELOS, António, "Fragmentos preciosos de dois códices paleográfico-visigóticos", Biblos, 4 (1928), pp. 553-569.

CORBIN, Solange, Essai sur la musique réligieuse portugaise au Moyen Age (1100-1385), Paris, Les Belles Lettres, 1952, p. 174, "Classement des manuscrits musicaux portugais antérieurs au XVe S.".

DIAZ Y DIAZ, Manuel C., Codices visigoticos en la monarquia leonesa, León: Centro de Estudios e Investigación «San Isidoro», 1983, p. 369.

COSTA, Avelino de Jesus da, "Fragmentos preciosos de códices medievais", in id., Estudos de Cronologia, Diplomática, Paleografia e Histórico-Linguísticos, Porto: Sociedade Portuguesa de Estudos Medievais, 1992, pp. 53-108 [85-86].

QUEIRÓS, Abílio, "Inventário dos fragmentos litúrgico-musicais existentes na A.U.C.", Boletim do Arquivo da Universidade de Coimbra, 15-16, 1995-1996.

CEPEDA, Isabel Vilares (coord.), Inventário dos códices iluminados até 1500, vol. 2, Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 2001, p. 79.

ZAPKE, Susana (ed.), Hispania Vetus: Musical-liturgical manuscripts, from Visigothic origins to the Franco-Roman transition (10th-12th centuries), Bilbao: Fundación BBVA, 2007, pp. 406-407.


Project ID