P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pasta de fragmentos, 172 (olim Caixa 279, nº 11)

Pasta de fragmentos, 172 (olim Caixa 279, nº 11)

P-BRad Pasta 172

Source type
Document type
12th century
Type of notation

Plain initials in red. Text and notation in black. Display script in red.


Later hand inscriptions on fol. Av: "Tombo da Igreia de Couves em Barroso [...] de Montealegre" written along the left border; "Tombo de S. Maria de Couvas" written reversed in the middle of the page, right border; "[...] 1545" written reversed in the top right corner. On fol. Br there are two modern inscriptions: "172" in red ink and "Caixa 279 nº 11" in blue ink. Along the left side of the same folio there are two - much older - inscriptions "conbo da ygreya de santa maria [...]" (written from the bottom to the top) and "domingos dabreu / [...] de abril 92" (written from the top to the bottom). The Church of Santa Maria of Covas do Barroso is located ca 80 km east of Braga.

Condition of document

Bifolium in good condition but slightly damaged. The two pages are not consecutive. The fragment was used as book cover. Creases; the lower edge was trimmed. Ruling pricks along the external edges. A short string of leather is attached on fol. A.

Page layout

Size of the fragment: 305 x 245 mm. Text area: one column of ca 290 x 150-170 mm. 31 text lines, some with music. Notation on dry point lines.


P. Avelino de Jesus da Costa referes to this fragment as: "Caixa 279, 136 – Número 11 – Tombo de Santa Maria de Covas, Barroso, Montalegre, 1545".


COSTA Avelino de Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico (9.vols), Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944.

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