P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 009

MM 009

P-Cug MM 009

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
mid 16th century [c.1545-c.1550]

1 Benedicamus domino; 2 Canticles; 3 Hymns; 1 Te Deum; 3 Lamentations; 6 Masses; 3 Marian antiphons; 9 Mass Propers + 10 Alleluias; 2 Responses (=40)

Type of script
Type of notation

Illuminated initials, fols 001v-002, 018v, 034v-35. Decorated ink/ illuminated initials, fols 035v-040v, 049v-051, 055 (Richafort Mass); fols 068v-069, 077v-082, 128v-131, 134v-135, 143v-147, 148v-149, 151v-152, 168v


Voice names added, fols 027v-028. 'O genitrix / Richafort', fols 034v-035. 'Contra Alta / Do pregador Tiple, fols 104v-105: 'De Buxel', fol. 106; 'de d. heliodoro, fol. 107; 'de moram', fol.108; 'Vasco Pirez', fol. 109; Sexta antigua', fol.110; 'Octaua antigua', fol.111; 'Alleluya' / de dom Frãcisco', fol. 142v-143

Condition of document


Page layout

Choirbook format. 560 x 418 mm


ii + 168 + ii; an unnumbered folio (not original) bound between fols. 004 and 006; another between fols. 012 and 013


Unclear. Foliation and gathering structure disrupted, especially with rebinding process; some folios removed


4 paper types; 4 watermarks. Mark on paper 1 almost identical to Briquet #760; mark on paper 2 almost identical to Briquet #6098. Papers 3 & 4 related to P-Cug MM 32 (paper 3) and P-Cug MM 12 (fol. 037) (cf Rees 1995, pp. 370-71, 388-89)


Old, but not original, covers of light brown light-tooled leather added when MS rebound c. 1937-41


Original but incomplete index at front (see initial guardleaf, fol. 3v). Original foliation, fols 001-004, 006-158 added by same scribe as index. Three scribal hands evident (see analysis in Rees 1995, p. 179). Some scribal concordances with P-Cug MM 12. Modern pencil foliation, fols 001-008, and on the 8 fols after fol. 158. Modern pencil foliation applied irregularly on fols 001-013


REES, Owen, Polyphony in Portugal c. 1530 – c. 1620. Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra, New York & London / Garland, 1995, pp. 173-83, 370-71 & 388-89

NELSON, Bernadette, 'A Polyphonic Hymn Cycle in Coimbra', in Pure Gold: Golden Age Sacred Music in the Iberian World. A Homage to Bruno Turner, eds T. Knighton and B. Nelson, Kassel: Reichenberger, 2011, pp. 167-205

C.M.M.E. Project (http://www.cmme.org/database/sources/129)

Description author/s