P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta N 010

N 010

P-G N 010

Source type
Document type
12th - 13th cent.
Chants for 'Antonini' are also found in E-Tc 44.2 fol. 171v-172r but the versions do not exactly match; for instance, the Antiphon 'Elegerunt' (Cantus ID 201541) is in 7th mode in E-Tc 44.2 while it is in 1st mode in the Portuguese fragment; besides, there are some interesting textual variants in the two versions of the Antiphon 'Athleta dei Antonine' (Cantus ID 200399); finally, while the office for Antonini in P-G N 10 ends with the Antiphon for the Magnificat for the second Vespers, E-Tc 44.2 has some extra antiphons (see fol. 172v). Chants for 'In Dedicatione Eccl.' in P-G N 10 match the office found in E-Tc 44.2 fols. 189v-190rv, except for 1) the first Invitatorium, which is 'Filiae Sion' (Cantus ID 001079) in E-Tc 44.2 while the little text one can read in the Portuguese fragment does not match any invitatorium catalogued in Cantus Index; 2) the fourth Responsory of Matins, which is 'O quam metuendus est locus' (Cantus ID 007286) in E-Tc 44.2 fol. 190v, while fragment P-G N 10 has 'Adduxisti sanctos tuos in' (Cantus ID 006031); the fifth Responsory of Matins, which is 'Mane surgens Jacob erigebat' (Cantus ID 007126) in E-Tc 44.2 while fragment P-G N 10 has 'Sanctificavit Dominus' (Cantus ID 007595).
Description of the notation

Medium-size neumes around a red line. The axis of the notation is vertical. Custodes seem to be absent. The lozenge is used consistently both in isolation and in compound neumes (ascending and descending patterns). The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is clearly defined.


Neumes and text in black ink. Rubrics in red ink. Pen-flourished initials in black, red and green.

Fol. Ar: 'A-10-?-31' is written in the bottom folded section; 'N10' (shelf-mark) is written in the same section at the left corner. Fol. Av: a later hand wrote 'Mel Slz' '1571 ... 1572' reversed with respect to the text in the bottom half of the page.
Condition of document

Central bifolium currently used as book cover. Fols. Av - Br are the external cover and they are more damaged: the parchment is darker, the ink is vanished in many points, there are stains (see especially the large patch of humidity on fol. Av) and some dirtiness. The fragment has holes and wrinkles all over the surface. The borders of the bifolium were adjusted to fit the book it currently covers: the top and bottom margins are folded, the right vertical edge of fol. A was irregularly trimmed with loss of contents; there is a big tear at the bottom-right corner of fol. Ar; part of the contents of the left-vertical edge of fol. Br covers now the book spine.

Page layout

One full-page column. 12 or 13 text lines with musical notation.


Foliation was originally written at the top of fol. B (see image 'Br detail top folded') but it is now only partially readable, one can read 'CCXX' which was possibly followed by 'V' or 'II'.


Central bifolium.

Indexing notes
Source description and musical index entirely revised and completed by EDL.
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