P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 626
C 626
P-G C 626
Source type
Document type
12th - 13th century
Type of notation
'Recibo de 1577 athe 1578' is written by a later hand at the top of the recto. Unreadable later-hand inscriptions on the verso.
Condition of document
Single-folio fragment in poor condition. Since it was used as book cover the ink is vanished on the recto (external cover) while the left border of the verso is unreadable as it is stitched to the book.
Page layout
Two columns per page.
P. Avelino de Jesus da Costa referes to this fragment as: 'Livro de fazenda, 822 – Número 501, Livro 21 de 1577-1578'.
COSTA Avelino de Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico (9.vols), Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944.
Completed on
Musical Items
Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
Folio | Seq | Incipit | Feast | Genre | Cantus ID | Mode |
r | 001 | [...]us Deus [...]ordiam tuam in medio | Dom. 8 p. Pent. | In | g01167 | ? |
r | 002 | Magnus dominus* | Dom. 8 p. Pent. | InV | g01167a | ? |
r | 003 | Esto mihi in Deum* | Dom. 8 p. Pent. | Gr | g01168 | * |
r | 004 | Alleluia Exsultate deo adjutori nostro jubilate | Dom. 8 p. Pent. | Al | g01186 | ? |
v | 001 | Populum humilem* | Dom. 8 p. Pent. | Of | g01171 | * |
v | 002 | Gustate et videte* | Dom. 8 p. Pent. | Cm | g01172 | ? |