P-BRam (Braga) Arquivo Municipal Nº 012 Códices

Nº 012 Códices

P-BRam Nº 012 Códices

Source type
Document type
11th - 12th cent.

The fragment contains the Office for St. Gerald of Aurillac, commemorated on the 13th October, and which is also found in few other sources: F-Pn lat. 2826, lat. 944, lat. 776 and E-Tc 44.2. This Portuguese fragment includes the end of the Resp. Cumque iam tempus, four supernumerary antiphons, six antiphons for Lauds, and the Magnificat antiphon, O homo dei beate Geralde.

Type of script
Description of the notation

Its Aquitanian notation uses a dry-point line and slanted puncta for sub-semitonal degrees, being thus, according to Ferreira (2006, p. 40) a forerunner of the typical Portuguese notational variety of the 13th-15th centuries.

Condition of document

Central bifolium in decent condition.

Page layout

Full-page column.


Ferreira, Manuel Pedro. ''Two Offices for St. Gerald: Braga and Aurillac.'' In Commemoration, Ritual and Performance: Essays in Medieval and Early Modern Music, edited by Jane Morlet Hardie ; with David Harvey.  Ottawa: Institute of Mediaeval Music, 2006, pp. 37-52.

Ferreira, Manuel Pedro. Aspectos da música medieval no ocidente peninsular, Volume 2. Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 2010

Huglo, Michel. "La penetration des manuscrits aquitains en Espagne". Revista de Musicologia, viii, 2 (1985), pp. 249-56, at 251-2.

Indexing notes

Information on the fragment was taken from Ferreira's bibliography while the musical index was prepared by E. De Luca

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