P-LOam (Loulé) Arquivo Municipal de Loulé Registo Manifesto de Gado, liv. 005

Registo Manifesto de Gado, liv. 005

P-LOam Registo Manifesto de Gado, liv. 005

Source type
Document type
14th century
Type of script
Description of the notation

Aquitanian (Portuguese variety) on a single red line.


Rubrics in red. Blue initials plainly decorated in red. Red initials plainly decorated in blue.


'1571-1574 / Vereações' (fol. Ar) written with the page turned upside down, in blue ink with modern ballpoint; next to this inscription it is possible to identify what seems to be a signature in black ink. Some other non-recognizable words and scribbles (pen trials?) also in black ink.

Condition of document

The recto of the fragment is badly damaged and hardly legible, while the verso is slightly damaged.The top of the fragment and its bottom are both torn with loss of contents. Many wrinkles and some holes.

Page layout

Text written in one column.


The fragment is used as book cover for a register book.


CHAVES, Zuelma and FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro (2019), 'Fragmentos sonoros em Loulé: vestígios de vivências religiosas medievais' in Atas do II Encontro de História de Loulé (Loulé: Câmara Municial de Loulé - Arquivo Municipal), pp. 223-241.

Description author/s