P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. A-002

A.M. A-002

P-VV A.M. A-002

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
Early 18th century
Benedicamus Domino (1), Hymns (6), Psalms (19) (=26)
Type of notation

Stencilled capitals in black

Index of contents in same hand, fols. 120r-102v
Condition of document

Good. Paper shows some damp stains, also some wearing of the fore-edge bottom corners due to use. Fragile folios reinforced with glued-on paper strips, most of them on the bottom edge. The binding, though robust and in good condition, shows signs of some wear on its surface, with occasional incisions, scratches, damp stains and leather deterioration

Page layout

Choirbook format. 431 x 290 mm


120 fols.


60 gatherings of 2 folios each


‘S P’, 24x18 mm. Corner watermark composed of two ligated capital letters (“S” and “P”), recurring throughout the whole book. Probable Genoese origin, 18th-century (La Rue, 2001, 334). Watermark identical to the drawing in https://www.wasserzeichen-online.de/wzis/detailansicht.php?id=140440


Brown calf leather over boards. Blind-tooled concentric outer and inner frames, with phytomorphic motifs. Small fleurons on the outer corners of the central panel. Furnished with unadorned metallic cornerpieces and centrepiece. Vestiges of clasps and their fittings, now lost

Copied by a single hand. No apparent match with any other hand of the Vila Viçosa polyphonic choirbooks. Handwriting points to the early 18th century, a dating hypothesis also corroborated by the paper’s watermark
JOAQUIM, Manuel, Vinte livros de música polifónica do Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa (Lisbon: Fundação da Casa de Bragança, 1953) [= Joaquim, Vinte livros, 1953], pp. 87-94 (Livro n.º 8) ALEGRIA, José Augusto, Biblioteca do Palácio Real de Vila Viçosa: Catálogo dos Fundos Musicales (Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1973) [= Alegria, Catálogo, 1989], pp. 11-13 (A. Livros de music religiosa manuscrita, no. 2) RYAN, Michael, ‘The Manuscript Vila Viçosa, Alegria 2 (Joaquim 8): An eighteenth century compilation in honour of João IV?’, Revista Portuguese de Musicologia 9 (1999), pp. 25-36 LA RUE, Jan. “Watermarks and Musicology.” The Journal of Musicology 18/2 (2001), 313-343 RYAN, Michael. Music in the Chapel of the Dukes of Bragança, Vila Viçosa. Tese de doutoramento, University of London, 2001 Museu-Biblioteca da Casa de Bragança, Vila Viçosa. Catálogo do Arquivo Musical (pdf), Secção A
Description author/s
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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 26
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Composer
001v-006r 001 Donec ponam (Dixit Dominus, tone 1) V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
006v-012r 001 Magna opera (Confitebor tibi, tone 2) V PS
012v-017r 001 Potens in terra (Beatus vir, tone 3) V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
017v-022r 001 Sit nomen Domini (Laudate pueri, tone 4) V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
022v-024r 001 Quoniam confirmata est (Laudate Dominum, tone 5) V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
024v-029r 001 Donec ponam (Dixit Dominus, tone 1) V PS Ceballos, Rodrigo de
029v-035r 001 Magna opera (Confitebor tibi, tone 7) V PS Ceballos, Rodrigo de
035v-040r 001 Potens in terra (Beatus vir, tone 3) V PS Pinheiro, António
040v-045r 001 Sit nomen Domini (Laudate pueri, tone 8) V PS Ceballos, Rodrigo de
045v-047r 001 Quoniam confirmata est (Laudate Dominum, tone 4) V PS Aliseda, Santos de
047v-052r 001 Stantes errant pedes (Laetatus sum, tone 7) V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
052v-056r 001 Nisi Dominus custodierit (Nisi Dominus aedificaverit, V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
056v-061r 001 Quoniam confortavit (Lauda Jerusalem, tone 8) V PS Ceballos, Rodrigo de
061v-066r 001 Ego dixi (Credidi, tone 5) V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
066v-070r 001 Labores manuum (Beati omnes, tone 4) V PS Pinheiro, António
070v-075r 001 Quoniam confortavit (Lauda Jerusalem, tone 7) V PS Navarro, Juan (i)
075v-080r 001 Fiant aures tuae (De profundis, tone 6) V PS Pinheiro, António
080v-089r 001 Sicut juravit Domino (Memento Domine David, V PS Guerrero, Francisco
089v-093r 001 Tunc replentum est (In convertendo, tone 3) V PS Ceballos, Rodrigo de
093v-099r 001 Sumens illud (Ave maris stella) De BMV V H Ceballos, Rodrigo de