P-VV (Vila Viçosa) Biblioteca do Palácio Real A.M. A-003

A.M. A-003

P-VV A.M. A-003

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
17th century
Polyphony (16): Antiphons (3), Canticle (1), Credo (1), Hymns (2), Mass (1), Motets (3), Psalms (5). Chant (33): Alleluias (2), Antiphons (22), Communions (2), Gradual (1), Hymns (2), Introits (3), Offertory (1)
Type of script

Gothic parted/puzzle and pen-flourished red and blue initials inscribed in square frames with blue filigree, on fols. ff. [0]v and 12r. Roman initials in plain square frames, in blue and gold, on fols. 17v-18r, 21v-22r, 24v-25r, 31v-32r, 34v-35r, 38v. Black cadel initials recur throughout the entire book.

‘Ano 1610 feito’ (fol. 51r)
Condition of document

Good. The paper shows signs of wear, particularly light damp and grease stains in the bottom fore-edge corners. Small wormholes until fol. [13-bis], at the bottom of the pages, especially near the gutter. Larger and darker damp stains in fols. 19-20. Ink corrosion in fols. 17-20. Fols. 17-18 were reinforced with pasted-on paper sheets; the one over fol. 17r obscures musical items: marginal inscriptions giving tones by hand B partially visible. Throughout the book, smaller glued-on paper patches are visible. The book underwent new rebinding after 1989, to replace the ‘much worn-out’ original cover, mentioned by Alegria and Joaquim (Alegria, Catálogo, 1989, 13; Joaquim, Vinte livros, 1953, 7); during this renewal operation, the bottom fore-edge corners of fols. 51-63 were redone.

Page layout

Choirbook format. 480 × 364 mm


70 fols. = 2 front endpapers + 1 non-numbered folio (index and section title) + 63 numbered folios (1 non-numbered folio between fols. 13 and 14) + 1 non-numbered folio + 2 back endpapers. Missing: fols. 15-16.
Despite the book’s heterogeneity, the foliation is continuous and was done by the same hand (datable to the 17th century), even though it is absent from some folios. The endpapers are not original (posterior to 1989).


Highly irregular, since the book is made up of several gatherings of different origins, and original collation obscured by subsequent processes of rebinding.

• Eagle inscribed in circle, 65 × 58 mm; countermark Flag with letters ‘G B’, 70 × 54 mm (fols. 1-14, 44-50) The countermark design is rather similar to the one found here, dated 1631: https://www.wasserzeichen-online.de/wzis/detailansicht.php?id=63131. It belongs to a type found in documents of the early 17th century (but there is also an example dated 1505 in the Portuguese archive of Tecnicelpa: http://memoryofpaper.oeaw.ac.at/tecnicelpa/tecnicelpa.php?id=4772). • Moor’s head in shield, topped by lily, 90 × 37 mm (fols. 18-43) No matches found for this design. • Crescent moon facing down (fols. 51-58, 63) Very common design, used since the 16th century. • Unidentified figure inscribed in circle (fols. 59-61)

Brown calf leather over boards. The binding was completely redone in renovation posterior to 1989 which replaced the original binding.

A very heterogenic book, composed of gatherings from various origins, where at least 12 different hands intervened, most of them datable to the 17th century, with some additions probably already from the 18th century. The dating of 1610, found in an inscription on fol. 51r, possibly applies to the copy of the following works (fols. 51v-63r). The index on the folio before fol. 1, with some lacunae, was in all likelihood elaborated by the same hand that foliated the manuscript, datable to the 17th century (except for the last item of the index, added by a later hand, possibly from the 18th century). Former shelfmark: MJ 9 (marked ‘Livro n.º 9’ on inside front cover)

JOAQUIM, Manuel, Vinte livros de música polifónica do Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa (Lisbon: Fundação da Casa de Bragança, 1953) [= Joaquim, Vinte livros, 1953], pp. 95-103 (Livro n.º 9)

ALEGRIA, José Augusto, Biblioteca do Palácio Real de Vila Viçosa: Catálogo dos Fundos Musicais (Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1973) [= Alegria, Catálogo, 1989], pp. 13-14 (A. Livros de música religiosa manuscrita, no. 3)

RYAN, Michael, "Music in the Chapel of the Dukes of Bragança, Vila Viçosa", PhD diss. (University of London, 2001)

Museu-Biblioteca da Casa de Bragança, Vila Viçosa. Catálogo do Arquivo Musical (pdf), Secção A

Description author/s

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 53
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff Diff db Composer
000v-1r 001 Elisabeth regina parata sedes tua ex Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 1 a07433 1 d 60a
001r 001 Jubilate deo omnis terra et principes Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 2 a07437 2 d 152b
001v 001 Aulam regalem regina spernens in domum Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 3 a07435 3 a *
001v-002r 001 Benedicite spiritus et animae justorum domino Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 4 a07465 4 e *
002r-002v 001 Laudate reges terrae et omnes populi Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 5 a07467 5 a 129a
003r-003v 001 Magnificat regia mens dominum quia fecit Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A M a07469 6 F *
003v-004v 001 Ave regina princeps pacis ave mater Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V2 A M a07471 7 a [143b]
005r-007v 001 Regale obsequium dum optime maxime rex Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V2 H * *
008v-011r 001 Rex Christe (Regale obsequium) Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V H Anonymous
012r-012v 001 Gaudeamus omnes in domino diem festum Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae MI In 501004.27 1
012v 001 Beati immaculati in via qui ambulant In Dedicatione Ecclesiae MI InV 01 501004q 1
012v-013v 002 Concupivit rex decorem tuum quoniam ipse Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae MI Gr g01391 1
013r-013v 001 Dilexisti justitiam et odisti iniquitatem propterea In Dedicatione Ecclesiae MI GrV 01 g01391c 1
013v-013xr 001 Alleluia Aspice quae solio resides regina Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae MI Al g04398 1
013xr 001 Vultum tuum deprecabuntur omnes divites plebis Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae MI Of g04400 8
013xr-013xv 002 Astitit regina a dextris tuis in Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae MI Cm g04404 2
014r 001 Dum esset rex in accubitu suo Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 1 002450 3 * *
014r 002 Et concupiscet rex decorem tuum quia Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 2 a07474 2 * *
014r 003 Potens in opere et sermone lenivit Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 3 a07476 3 * *
014r 004 Quasi arcus refulgens inter nebulas gloriae Elisabeth Reginae Portugalliae V A 4 a07478 1 * *