
Cantus Index feast code

James the Greater, Apostle

Musical Items

Displaying 121 - 140 of 165
Source Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323r 5 Gloria* Jacobi M V 02 909000 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323r 6 Eo namque praedicationi divine insistente ac Jacobi M A 2.1 a00312 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323r 7 Ait namque Philetus dolos adhuc ruminante Jacobi M A 2.2 a00313 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323r 8 Audiens haec autem Hermogenes carens fide Jacobi M A 2.3 a00195 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323r 9 Constitues* Jacobi M W 2. 007994 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 1 Gloriosus domini apostolus dixit hermogene | Accipe Jacobi M R 2.2 a00315 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 2 Lavacro sancte regenerationis nec dum effusus Jacobi M V 01 a00315a *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 3 Sancte Jacobe Christi apostole audi rogantes Jacobi M R 2.3 603110 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 4 O Sancte Jacobe sidus aureum domini Jacobi M V 01 603110a *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 5 Gloria* Jacobi M V 02 909000 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 6 Accipe tibi baculum mei itineris dixit Jacobi M A 3.3 a00317 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 7 Tunc ille accipiens apostoli sceptrum abiit Jacobi M A 3.2 a00318 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 8 His itaque gestis jam credulus hermogenes Jacobi M A 3.3 a00319 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v 9 Nimis honorati sunt amici* Jacobi M W 3. 008148 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

323v-324r 10 Alme perpetue luminis lux apostole Jacobe Jacobi M R 3.1 a00194 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

324r 1 Sedulus esto Christi benigne apostole intercessor Jacobi M V 01 a00194a *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

324r 10 Apostolus Christi fidem illorum cognoscens dixit Jacobi L A 2 a00325 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

324r 11 Videns ergo pontifex turbam conversam repletus Jacobi L A 3 a00326 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

324r 12 In nomine regis trium puerorum surge Jacobi L A 4 202444 *

P-Ln RES. 253 P.

324r 2 Adest nobis valde laetabunda dies praecellentissimi Jacobi M R 3.2 a00316 *