In excelsis laudate deum | Laudate dominum

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Siglum Folio Seq Incipit Feast Office Genre Position Mode Image DB
A-Gu 29 071r 11 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
A-KN CCl 1010 053v 3 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
A-KN CCl 1011 096v 7 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
A-KN CCl 1013 066r 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
A-KN CCl 1015 082r 3 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
A-KN CCl 1017 072v 3 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
A-LIb 290 159r 19 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 ? Image CD
A-SF XI 480 053r 4 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 ? Image CD
A-VOR 287 028v 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
A-Wn Cod. 1812 – Breviarium Strigoniense 025v 8 In excelsis laudate f2 964 a5 8 Image HCD
A-Wn Cod. 1890 066r 8 In excelsis laudate dominum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
CH-E 611 147v 10 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
CH-SGs 388 097 14 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
CH-SGs 390 093 19 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
CZ-Pn (Praha) XV A 10 085v 7 In excelsis laudate deum Feria 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image FCB
CZ-Pn (Praha) XV A 10 089v 1 In excelsis laudate deum Feria 5 per annum L A 5 6 Image FCB
CZ-Pst DE I 7 070r 9 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
CZ-Pu VI.E.4c 120r 3 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 Image CD
Cz-Pu (Praha) XIV A 19 056v 7 In excelsis laudate deum Feria 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image FCB
D-AAm G 20 055r 5 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
D-KA Aug. LX 228v 18 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
D-MZb A 223v 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
D-MZb D 273r 2 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
DK-Kk 3449 8o [15] XV 036r 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
E-BAR, Archivo Diocesano de Barbastro, Antifonario s.s. 080v 3 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep. L A 4 Image SEMM
E-Bbc (Barcelona) M 888 034v 13 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep. L A 5 6 Image SEMM
E-H (Huesca) Ms. 7 091r 9 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep. L A 5 6 Image SEMM
E-TZ, Archivo de Música de la Catedral de Tarazona, Ms. 18 022r 9 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 p. Epiphaniam L A 5 4 Image SEMM
E-Tc 44.1 032r 25 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 ? Image CD
E-Tc 44.2 033r 8 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 4 Image CD
F-AS 465 (CGM 893) 090v 2 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 4 Image CD
F-CA 38 060r 9 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
F-Pn (Paris) NAL 2171 017v 6 In excelsis laudate deum Additamenta L A 4 Image SEMM
F-Pn Lat. 1085 028r 14 In excelsis* Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6* Image CD
F-Pn Lat. 1085 029r 14 In excelsis* Fer. 4 per annum M A 1.3 8* Image CD
F-Pn Lat. 12044 032v 6 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
F-Pn Lat. 12601 011r 20 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 ? Image CD
F-Pn Lat. 15181 041r 2 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
F-Pn Lat. 15181 191v 6 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
F-Pn Lat. 15182 031r 2 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
F-Pn Lat. 15182 109v 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 in estate L A 5 6 Image CD
F-Pn NAL 01236 072v 5 In excelsis laudate deum | saeculorum amen Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 Image MMMO
F-Pn NAL 1535 032v 9 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
F-TOm 149 143v 7 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
F-VAL 114 032v 12 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
GB-AB 20541 E 048r 7 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
GB-Cu Mm.ii.9 115 6 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 075r 2 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image SEMM
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30848 076r 4 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image SEMM
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 240r 57 In excelsis Additamenta X A 6 Image SEMM
GB-Lbl (London) Add MS 30850 045r 11 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 p. Epiphaniam L A 5 6 Image SEMM
GB-WO F.160 032r 12 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
GB-WO F.160 (Facs) 064 12 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
GOTTSCHALK 036v 21 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
I-Fl Conv. sopp. 560 048v 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 1 Image CD
I-Lc 601 089 5 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum M A 3.5 1 Image CD
I-Rv C.5 062r 12 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 1 Image CD
I-VCd CLXX 037v 7 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
MA Impr. 1537 069v 5 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
NL-Uu 406 (3 J 7) 048r 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
P-Cua (Coimbra) Arquivo Distrital e da Universidade Cofre 27 127v In excelsis laudate deum Sabbato per annum L A 5 1? Image PEM
P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal RES. 253 P. 025v In excelsis laudate deum | Laudate dominum Fer. 3 per annum L A 5 * Image PEM
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IIb 048v 1 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep. L A 5 Image CSK
SK-BRsa (Bratislava) Slovenský národný archív - Antiphonary of Bratislava IV 066v 8 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep. L A 5 Image CSK
SK-Bra (Bratislava) Antiphonary of Bratislava III EC Lad.6 031v 8 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 Hebd. 2 p.Ep. L A 5 Image CSK
TR-Itks 42 045r 6 In excelsis laudate deum Fer. 2 per annum L A 5 6 Image CD
TR-Itks 42 – Antiphonale Strigoniense 045r 6 In excelsis laudate f2 964 a5 6 Image HCD