P-G P 280
Recto |
00106 |
(...)* |
Joannis Chrysostomi |
Of |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00107 |
(...)* |
Joannis Chrysostomi |
Cm |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00108 |
Sa(...)* |
Thyrsi |
In |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00109 |
(...)* |
Gr |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00110 |
(...)* |
Al |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00111 |
(...) |
Of |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00112 |
(...)* |
Cm |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00113 |
Gloria et honore* |
Ignatii |
In |
g02212 |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00114 |
(...)* |
Ignatii |
Gr |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00115 |
(...)* |
Ignatii |
Al |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00116 |
(... et hono)* |
Ignatii |
Of |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00117 |
Magna est* |
Ignatii |
Cm |
g01261 |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00118 |
illeg. |
Purificatio Mariae [Presentationis Domini] |
[?] |
* |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00119 |
L[umen ad revelationem genti](um) [ |
Purificatio Mariae [Presentationis Domini] |
A |
003645 |
7? |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00120 |
illeg. |
Purificatio Mariae [Presentationis Domini] |
[?] |
? |
P-G P 280
Recto |
00121 |
V(enite) [et] accendite aptate (lampades |
Purificatio Mariae [Presentationis Domini] |
A |
a01087 |
? |
P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (16)
recto |
002 |
Induit me dominus cyclade auro (texta) |
Agnetis |
M |
A |
02 |
003328 |
7 |
144a |
P-G N 161
recto |
002 |
In nomine [...] omne genu flectatur celesti( |
undetermined |
V |
? |
P-BRs Frag. 001
Recto |
002 |
Cum facis helemosinam nesciat (sini)stra |
Sabbato post Cineres |
L |
A |
B |
002005 |
? |
P-G P 217
recto |
002 |
De profundis (clamavi ad te domine |
Sabbato per annum |
M |
V |
01 |
006495a |
? |