P-LOam (Loulé) Arquivo Municipal de Loulé Atas de Vereação, liv. 066

Atas de Vereação, liv. 066

P-LOam Atas de Vereação, liv. 066

Source type
Document type
[c. 1500]
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Square notation on a 4-line red staff.


Flourished capital in red, and green and black filigree designs. Rubrics in red and initials in red and black filigree designs.


Some manuscript text with black ink on the left margin in the verso of the folio.

Condition of document

Badly damaged. The top of the fragment is torn with loss of contents. Many wrinkles, stains and holes.

Page layout

285 X 205 mm, text written in one column.


Currently used as a book cover for 'Atas de Vereação - 1545-1646'.

Without back cover.



CHAVES, Zuelma and FERREIRA, Manuel Pedro (2019), 'Fragmentos sonoros em Loulé: vestígios de vivências religiosas medievais' in Atas do II Encontro de História de Loulé (Loulé: Câmara Municial de Loulé - Arquivo Municipal), pp. 223-241.

Description author/s

Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
Folio Seq Incipit Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
v 001 Diffusa est gratia M Of g01378 *
v 002 Responsum accepit Simeon a spiritu sancto M Cm g00080 8