

Displaying 1 - 20 of 154
Siglum Category Subcategory Date Completeness Location
E-Sco Libro 013 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 16th century (first half, with revisions) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
E-Sco Libro 031 monophony Temporal antiphoner 15th century (second half) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
E-Sco Libro 052 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 16th century (first half) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
E-Sco Libro 056 monophony Temporal antiphoner 15th century (second half) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
E-Sco Libro 063 monophony Temporal antiphoner 16th century (1st half) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
E-Sco Libro 069 monophony Temporal antiphoner 15th century (second half) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
P-AR Res. L 005 monophony 1513 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 003 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner mid-16th century complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 005 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner mid-16th century complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 016 monophony 1485-1486 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 017 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 1800 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 017 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 1800 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 021 monophony Temporal antiphoner c. 1200 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 025 mixed Sanctoral antiphoner c. 1200 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 028 monophony 13th century (1st third) complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-BRad Pasta 036 monophony early 13th century; early 16th century fragment Braga
P-BRs Ms. 028 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 16th century (first quarter) complete or nearly complete Braga
P-BRs Ms. 031 monophony Temporal antiphoner 16th century (first half) complete or nearly complete Braga
P-BRs Ms. 032 monophony Temporal antiphoner 16th century (first quarter) complete or nearly complete Braga
P-BRs Ms. 034 monophony 1510-1515 complete or nearly complete Braga