P-AR (Arouca) Museu Regional de Arte Sacra do Mosteiro de Arouca Res. Ms. 003

Res. Ms. 003

P-AR Res. Ms. 003

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
mid-16th century
1st Vespers, Matins, Lauds, minor hours, 2nd Vespers and Alleluia for the Feast of the Visitation. Beginning on fol. 15r, hymns commemorating St. Bernard of Clairvaux: “Bernardus inclitus” (divided in two parts) for Matins and Lauds in the day of his feast, “Iam regina discubuit” for Terce, “Laudet celestia curia” for Compline, “Confessor almus claruit” for Terce in his Octave.
Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation
Square notation in (slightly faded) black ink over red 5-line staves.

On fol.1, the large initial E is illuminated. It pictures inside Dona Melícia de Melo (abbess between 1511 and 1561), with her coat of arms, praying over a book, with the Monastery at a distance. The framework uses filigree and phytomorphic decoration in colours and gold.

Condition of document

Fair. Worn by use, with some restoration.

Page layout

685 x 535 mm
fol.1: 60<415>60 x 50<570>65


22 folios, numbered from fol. 5 onwards in Arabic numerals, either late (fols. 5, 17-22) or original (fols. 7-16).


Wood boards covered in leather with metal locks.

This is a supplement to the main antiphonary volumes used in the choir. This volume has a counterpart duplicating the contents (for the remaining half-choir) , although it lacks one of the hymns: Ms. Res. 005.
Catalogue entry: https://arouca.fcsh.unl.pt/content/res-ms-003
Description author/s