Sanctoral antiphoner


Displaying 1 - 20 of 22
Siglum Category Subcategory Date Completeness Location
E-Sco Libro 013 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 16th century (first half, with revisions) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
E-Sco Libro 052 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 16th century (first half) complete or nearly complete Sevilla
E-TUY Fragmento 011 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner c. 1400 fragment Tuy
E-TUY Fragmento 014 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner c. 1400 fragment Tuy
P-AR Res. Ms. 003 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner mid-16th century complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 005 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner mid-16th century complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 017 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 1800 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 017 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 1800 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-AR Res. Ms. 025 mixed Sanctoral antiphoner c. 1200 complete or nearly complete Arouca
P-BRs Ms. 028 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 16th century (first quarter) complete or nearly complete Braga
P-Cm FPM-B50-07 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner c. 1400 fragment Coimbra
P-Cua III-1ªD-3-1-057 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner c. 1450-1500 fragment Coimbra
P-Cug MM 1063 (85) + MM 1063 (50) + MM 1063 (84) monophony Sanctoral antiphoner early 16th century fragment Coimbra
P-G C 192 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 15th cent. fragment Guimarães
P-Gmas LC 012 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 1613 complete or nearly complete Guimarães
P-Gms ET596 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 1533 complete or nearly complete Guimarães
P-Ln L.C. 246 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner 15th century complete or nearly complete Lisboa
P-Ln L.C. 260 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner First quarter of the 16th century complete or nearly complete Lisboa
P-Ln L.C. 278 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner First quarter of the 16th century complete or nearly complete Lisboa
P-Ln L.C. 279 monophony Sanctoral antiphoner First half of the 16th century complete or nearly complete Lisboa