P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 192
P-G C 192
Large size neumes around a red line. Custos. The axis of the notation is perfectly vertical. Lozenge is used systematically to mark the lower note of the semitone (E or B). The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is always clearly defined. The lozenge is used either isolated or as part of ascending and descending patterns of two or more notes on one syllable.
Black initials with filigree designs in black and red, C initial in purple with simple decorative design, F initial in red with filigree designs in blue.
Inscriptions on the lateral margins of both folios, referring to the contents of the book bound by the fragments: «Libro da Contagem do Anno de 1605».
Damaged; illegible on spine due to humidity and because the fragment still binds register book C 192. It consists of two fragments sewed at the spine of the book; verso sides of both folios are illegible due to the binding methods.
Folio Ar: c. 305 x c. 275 mm, one column c. 250 x c. 275, 10 lines alternating text with music; Folio Br: c. 305 x c. 200 mm, one column c. 260 x c. 175, 8 lines alternating text with music.
Folio Ar (Regem evangelistarum), Folio Br (Gaudent angeli)
Inventário dos códices iluminados até 1500, Lisboa: Biblioteca Nacional, 1994-2001, Vol. 2, p. 57.
Musical index revised by Elsa De Luca.
Musical Items
Folio | Seq | Incipit | Feast | Occasion | Genre | Position | Cantus ID | Mode |
Ar | 001 | Regem evangelistarum dominum venite adoremus | undetermined | M | I | 001132 | 8 | |
Ar | 002 | Eterna Christi* | undetermined | M | H | 008252 | ? | |
Ar | 003 | Convocatis Ihesus duodecim apostolis misit illos | undetermined | M | A | 1.1 | 001925 | 1 |
Ar | 004 | Mittens dominus et alios ad predicandum | undetermined | M | A | 1.2 | 003798 | 2 |
Ar | 005 | (Ihesu Christi domini gratia credentibus)* | undetermined | M | A | 1.3 | 003482 | 3? |
Br | 001 | [...]ternam | Annae | [?] | 1? | |||
Br | 002 | Gaudent angeli et exsultant archangeli in | Annae | AV | 1? | |||
Br | 003 | Felix namque es sacratissima anna et | Annae | R | 006725.1 | 1 | ||
Br | 004 | Ora pro populo [interveni pro] clero | Annae | V | 01 | 006725a | 1 |