P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 278
P-Ln L.C. 278
2r [Commune apostolorum; 11r In natale unius martyris; 18v In natale plurimorum martyrum; 36v In natale unius confessoris pontificis; 45r In natale unius confessoris non pontificis; 54r In natale virginum et martyrum; 61v In festo alicuius sancte virginis non martyris; 67v In festo alicuius sancte martyris et non virginis; 67v In adventu domini in sabbatis cum dicitur de beata virgine; 75r In nativitate domini usque ad purificationem in sabbatis; 84r A purificatione usque ad adventum in sabbatis.
Square notation on five red lines. F and C clefs, custos.
Pen flourished initials in gold and blue with red and blue filigree and vegetal decoration on the margin. Initiales on colored field. Red rubrics.
815 x 540 mm. Long lines. Fol. 7r: 55 mm < 625 mm > 135 mm x 90 mm < 380 mm > 70 mm.
Original foliation in red Roman numbers on the upper external margin of the recto.
11 gatherings, generally quaternions, severely mutilated.
Leather binding on wooden boards; one boss on the upper board and two on the lower board; traces of a metal star at the centre of each board. Upper flyleaf from an Antiphoner; lower pastedown from an Antiphoner.
CEPEDA, Isabel, Livros de Coro Iluminados do século XVI. Catálogo da coleção da Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal (Lisbon, Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal, 2024), p. 300-301.