P-Gmas (Guimarães) Museu de Alberto Sampaio LC 012

LC 012
Name of the source
Sanctoral Antiphoner.

P-Gmas LC 012

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type

The Book, entitled Secunda Pars Proprium Sanctorum, contains the Proper Office of Matins, Lauds and Vespers, from the Apostles Peter and Paul until pope S. Clement. Includes. ff. 1-17 In festo Apostolorum Petri et Pauli; ff. 17v-22 Ubi sit officium s. Pauli in ecclesia propria; ff. 22-37 In festo Visitationis beate Marie virginis; ff. 37-43v In festo Triumphi sancte Crucis: ff. 43v-48v In festo s. Angeli custodis; ff. 48v-52v In festo sancte Marie Magdalene; ff. 52v-58v In festo sancti Jacobi Apostoli; ff. 58v-66 In festo sancti Petri ad vincula; ff. 66-67v In festo s. Marie ad nives; ff. 67v-74 In festo Transfigurationis domini; ff. 74-79v In festo s. Laurentii martyris; ff. 79v-97 In Assumptione Beate Marie virginis; ff. 97-101v In Decollatione s. Johannis Baptiste; ff. 102-107v In Nativitate sancte Marie virginis; ff. 107v-109 In festo Exaltationis s. Crucis; ff. 109-114v In festo dedicationis sancti Michaelis archangeli; ff. 114v-133v In festo Omnium Sanctorum; ff. 133v-138v In festo s. Martini episcopi et confessoris; ff. 139-140 In festo presentationis beate Marie virginis; ff. 140-143 In festo s. Cecilie virginis et martyris; ff. 143-(148) In festo s. Clementis pape et confessoris.

Type of script
Type of notation

One illuminated single initial on folio 1v.


Marginal inscriptions on ff.. 49r and 74r (the latter refers to Saint Cajetan).

Condition of document

Many folios exhibit destruction by insects (40 ff) and others were restored with the application of glued patches (31, 84). Some small cracks were sewn (85). In some folios further indications appear in the margins (49, 74). This book is the continuation of another antiphonal that does not survive in the music collection of this museum. It lack at least a final folio, 148, of which it still retains the inner upper corner, containing most of the text of the Magnificat antiphon for St. Clement.

Page layout

149 (1 cut); 665 x 465 mm; 560 x 320mm.


Folios are numbered in Arabic numerals from the fourth folio onwards, from 2 to 147. The first folio appears numbered in Roman numerals. The second and third folios, in-between folio 1 and 2, were identified as 1a and 1b.


MAGALHÃES, Eduardo; "Os livros de Cantochão dos séculos XVI e XVII do Museu Alberto Sampaio", Dissertação de Mestrado, Coimbra, Faculdade de Letras, 2001, pp. 155-159.