E-Sco (Sevilla) Institución Colombina Libro 056

Libro 056

E-Sco Libro 056

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
15th century (second half)
Type of script
Type of notation

Richly illuminated manuscript, with use of several colours and gold, with phytomorphic motifs. Capital letters in this decorative style, otherwise plain, in red. Initials in brown decorated in the same colour and sepia, sometimes with filigree.

Condition of document



51 folios. Lately added arabic numbering.


Leather over boards, painted with decorations in brown, with metal staples and locks.

This manuscript has been updated in the last quarter of the 16t century according to the tridentine reform. Following the humanistic principles promoted by Trent, the melodies were slightly modified, although generally keeping the main design of the original versions, still visible beneath the erasures and modifications. The setting of the liturgical elements was also forcibly modified; in this case, however, it is quite impossible to see the original layer. Therefore, for the entries "Tradition" and "Use" above, we indicate "Roman (post-Tridentine)". The flyleaf of the front cover is a fragment from a Temporal Antiphoner (15th century) with part of the Trinity antiphon "Deum laudemus verum". The flyleaf of the back cover is a bifolio fragment from a Gradual (16th century), which includes the following chants for the fourth week in Lent: Gradual verse "Ut quid domine recessisti", Tract (no music) "Adjuva nos" and the beginning of the Offertory "Benedicite gentes dominum".

HIDALGO, Rosario Marchena, “La iluminación en Sevilla a lo largo del siglo XV”, Laboratorio de Arte, 20 (2007), pp. 9-30; Idem, Las miniaturas de los libros de coro de la Catedral de Sevilla: el siglo XVI, Sevilha: Universidad de Sevilla e Fundación Focus – Abengoa, 1998.

Description author/s
Indexed by
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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 64
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
001v 001 Ante luciferum genitus et ante saecula Epiphania V A 1 001434 2 D
002r 001 Venit lumen tuum Jerusalem et gloria Epiphania V A 2 005344 1 F
003r 001 Apertis thesauris suis obtulerunt magi domino Epiphania V A 3 001447 1 F
004r 001 Maria et flumina benedicite domino hymnum Epiphania V A 4 003700 4 E
004v 001 Stella ista sicut flamma coruscat et Epiphania V A 5 005022 7 C
005v 001 Crudelis Herodes deum* Epiphania V H 008248:08.1
005v 002 Reges Tharsis et insulae* R. Reges Epiphania V W 008180 *
006r 001 Magi videntes stellam dixerunt ad invicem Epiphania V A M 003654 8 G
007r 001 Tribus miraculis ornatum diem sanctum colimus Epiphania V2 A M 005184 2 D
009v 001 Christus apparuit nobis venite adoremus Epiphania M I 001054 4 CH
010r 001 Crudelis Herodes* Epiphania M H 008248:08.1
010r 002 Afferte domino filii dei adorate dominum Epiphania M A 1.1 001303 7 A
010v 001 Fluminis impetus laetificat alleluia civitatem dei Epiphania M A 1.2 002886 6 F
011r 001 Psallite deo nostro psallite psallite regi Epiphania M A 1.3 004406 1 G
012r 001 Hodie in Jordane baptizato domino aperti Epiphania M R 1.1 006849 3
013v 001 Descendit spiritus sanctus corporali specie sicut Epiphania M V 01 006849b 3
014v 001 Rubric: "Praedictum responsorium dicitur hodie, In tempore Epiph.
014v 002 Tria sunt munera pretiosa quae obtulerunt Epiphania, infra oct. M R 1.1 007777 1
016r 001 Salutis nostrae auctorem magi venerati sunt Epiphania, infra oct. M V 01 007777b 1
017r 001 In columbae specie spiritus sanctus visus Epiphania M R 1.2 006892 1