P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 264

L.C. 264

P-Ln L.C. 264

Source type
Document type
1545 with 17th-century and later additions

Composite manuscript containing: - 1r-v: folio with two antiphons. - 2r-9v: psalms with a Marian antiphon (10r blank). - 10v-24v: office and mass for the feast of St. Raphaelis. - 25r-30v: hymnal. - 31r-v: Marian chant Stella caeli extirpavit quae lactavit... (cf. AH 31, n° 207). - 32r-51v: liturgy for the Little Hours. - 52r-53r: beginning of the office of the Holy Heart of Jesus. - 53v: beginning of the office of the Vigil of Easter. - 54r-v: chants for the Ferial Office. - 55r-106r: Psalms and canticles with antiphons and hymns. - 106r-109v: Marian antiphons. - 109v-112v: votive antiphons for Vespers. - 112v-115v: Benedicamus Domino (lacuna between the folios 115 and 116). - 116r: end of an antiphon for Nunc dimittis and Grad. Haec dies used as antiphon. - 116v-120v: antiphons and a responsory for St. Antony of Padua. - 121r-127v: antiphons for the Mandatum. - 128r-130r: antiphons for Lauds of the Vigil of Christmas (130v Blank).

Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Black square notation on four or five red lines. C and F clefs, custos. Semi-mensural notation on folios 61v-63v, 68v-69r, 73v-74r, 78r, 99r-100r, and 103v.


Finely decorated initials, some with gold. One historiated initial (f. 55r) and other more common decorated initials.


Colophon, f. 120v: "Este livro fez frey antonio payz neste mosteiro de nossa senhora de bethlem da ordem de noso padre sam hieronymo, da qual o dito padre he professo, era provincial e prior do dito mosteiro o padre frey bras dolivença. Era do Senhor 1545".

Condition of document

Badly damaged. The manuscript has been rebound and the folios trimmed to fit the new binding.

Page layout

Layout: 651 mm x 480 mm; textblock: 345 mm x 440 mm (fol. 1). One column of five lines (music and text) (f. 20v).


The foliotation is missing due to the trimming of the folios.


Leather over boards.

Description author/s
Project ID

Musical Items