P-Ln (Lisboa) Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal L.C. 257

L.C. 257

P-Ln L.C. 257

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
15th century

1r In vigilia Pentecostes; 9r Infra octavam Pentecostes; 15r Feria IIII; 17v Feria V; 21r Feria VI; 24r Sabbato; 24v In vigilia sancte Trinitatis; 41r Incipit officium de corpore Christi; 59v Dominica I post Pentecosten; 78r Dominica II post Pentecosten; 79v Dominica III post Pentecosten; 81r Dominica V post Pentecosten; 83v Dominica VII post Pentecosten; 84v Dominica VIII post Pentecosten; 85v Dominica IX post Pentecosten; 87r Domincia X post Pentecosten; 88r Dominica XI post Pentecosten; 88v Dominica XII post Pentecosten; 89v Dominica XIII post Pentecosten; 90v Dominica XIIII post Pentecosten; 91v Dominica XV post Pentecosten; 92r Dominica XVI post Pentecosten; 93r Dominica XVII post Pentecosten; 94v Dominica XVIII post Pentecosten; 95r Dominica XIX post Pentecosten; 96r Dominica XX post Pentecosten; 97r Dominica XXI post Pentecosten; 98r Dominica XXII post Pentecosten; 98v Dominica XXIII post Pentecosten; 99r Dominica XXIIII post Pentecosten; [100v add. In vigilia nativitatis domini]; 101r Sabbato proximo kalendis Augusti ; dominica in kalendis Augusti; 112r Sabbato proximo kalendis Septembri; 113r Dominica I mensis Septembris; 123v Sabbato dominice II mensis Septembris; 124r Dominica II; 131r Sabbato dominice III mensis Septembris; 132r Dominica III mensis Septembris; 142v Sabbato proximo kalendis Octobris; 143r Dominica I mensis Octobris; 158r Sabbato proximo kalendis Novembris; 158v Dominica I kalendis Novembris.

Type of script
Type of notation
Description of the notation

Square notation on five red lines. F and C clefs, custos.


Golden initials on colored field, with vegetal elements; blue and red pen flourished initiales. Red rubrics.

Page layout

455 x 310 mm. Long lines. F 8r: 25 mm < 340 mm > 90 mm x 45 mm < 235 mm > 30 mm.


Modern foliation in Arabic numbers on the lower outer margin of the recto.


14 gathering, originally senions, some of which mutilated.


Leather binding on wooden boards; four bosses on the upper board and five on the lower board. Traces of two clasps. Parchment pastedowns and flyleaves taken from another manuscript.

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Musical Items