P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pasta de fragmentos, 162
P-BRad Pasta 162
Fol. Ar, in sepia ink, upright in the centre: 'Santa Maria de Abbade; on the right column: '212 / 15 / 227 / fª pº Lº. Rta [...]rs 3 / 264'; in another hand: 'tombo da Jgreia de Santa Maria d abbade / do Julgado de nejua"; in still another hand: 'S Ma de Abbade'; fol. Bv pencilled in red on the upper part of the left column in a modern hand: '162'.
Good overall. However, there is a significant loss of content due to excessive trimming of the inner, upper and lower margins, overlap of fol. Br on the right margin of fol. Av, and the remains of a 19th-century library sticker on fol. Bv.
Originally a bifolium, later separated into two partially overlapping folios; two columns; measures unavailable.
Lec. 6: [...] amplificato numero lectionum addita psalmorum ... angelicae laudationis dulcedo sancta resonet (Bede, Homilia 65. In Dedicatione Ecclesiae, PL 94: 433-34). Lec. 7-9: [Egressus dominus Jesus perambulabat Jericho] ... et ipse dives (Luke, 19: 1-2) Quae impossibilia sunt apud homines ... ab incredulis irridetur ut fatua (Bede, Homilia 66. In Dedicatione Ecclesiae, PL 94: 439-40). In folio Bv, judging by the few remaining neumes, the fifth Lauds antiphon after Lapides pretiosi is Bene fundata est domus domini (Cantus ID 001680). The Church of Santa Maria de Abade de Neiva is located near Barcelos in the Archbishopric of Braga.