P-MNam (Montemor-o-Novo) Arquivo Municipal A-1 D 024

A-1 D 024

P-MNam A-1 D 024

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
15th century (2nd half)
Feria 2
Type of script
Type of notation

Red and blue flourished initials used for Psalms. Calligraphic initials used for antiphons.

Verso only: Many names and other annotations have been written in margins and over the original psalter text and music. The date 1664 is written in the left margin, probably a reference to the documents once covered by this fragment. Two faces (male and female?) have been drawn in the lower margin, and another two in the upper left.
Condition of document

Good condition with signs of having been used as the cover in the binding of documents. Has been attached with the verso on the outside. The verso shows resultant wear, added ties, and annotations or additions of various types.

Page layout

1 col.; 285 x 455; writing area: 250 x 350

The original liturgical content includes psalm 34 (last part), psalm 35, and psalm 36 (first part). Two notated antiphons precede psalm 36. Following each of the notated antiphons, 'Alleluya' is underlaid beneath the staff but not notated and ‘Vacat’ is written above in the lowest space of the staff. The partially removed rubric written with abbreviation on the right after Revela domino is probably 'Tempore Paschali'. Staves use five red lines.
PEM team data

Musical Items

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