P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pasta de fragmentos, 091 (olim Caixa 284, nº 7)

Pasta de fragmentos, 091 (olim Caixa 284, nº 7)

P-BRad Pasta 091

Source type
Document type
12th - 13th century
Type of notation

Plain initials in red or black. Display script in red. Text and notation in black.


Fol. Ar: "91" in red ink (modern hand); "Caixa 284, n° 7" blue ink (modern hand). Fol. Bv: "Santa Maria Magdalena da Serra [...]", this vertical inscription runs along the empty space between the two columns.

Condition of document

The fragment was originally a central bifolium. The trimming of the lateral borders and lower margin caused loss of contents. Despite a big stain on fol. Av, the rest of the contents are clearly readable. Pricking holes visible along each side of the central fold.

Page layout

Size: bifolium 427-433 x 302-311 mm. Folio A 213-218 x 302-311 mm. Folio B 211-214 x 302-311 mm. Text area: two columns of 92-98 x 302-311 mm. 29 wl, mainly with music.


P. Avelino de Jesus da Costa referes to this fragment as: "Caixa 284 - 165 – Número 7 – Tombo de Santa Maria Madalena dos Arcos, 1546". Arcos is located ca 40 km north-west of Braga.


COSTA Avelino Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico (9.vols), Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944.

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