P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pastas de fragmentos, 015 (olim Caixa 247, nº 6)

Pastas de fragmentos, 015 (olim Caixa 247, nº 6)

P-BRad Pastas 015

Source type
Document type
12th century
Rubric on page xxvj: "Orationes que dicende sunt per totam septimanam [per horas] diei".
Type of script
Type of notation

Black and red initials, some with very simple decoration in red, black or green. Text in black, rubrics in red ink. Aquitanian notation on a red line.

Number "15" written in red ink by a modern hand on the left side of page xxiii. On the same page, on the lower edge there is an annotation written reversed with respect to the text but it is now almost completely vanished. On page xxvi there are two annotations made by two different hands. The annotation in blue ink is "Caixa 247 nº 6", the other annotation (most ancient) is "Ballazar e Gondifellos [...]". The latter gives us information about the original provenance of the fragment (Balasar and Gondifelos are located ca 35 km south-west of Braga).
Condition of document

Central bifolio slightly damaged. Despite some stains and three holes the fragment is quite readable. Folds and strings suggest that it was used as book cover.

Page layout

Dimension of the bifolium: 386-392 x 508-511 mm.
Dimension of folio xxiii/xxiiij: 259-264 x 378-388 mm.
Dimension of folio xxv/xxvj: 245-251 x c. 390 mm.
One column for page. Columns measure approximately: p. xxiij 175-178 x c. 295 mm; p. xxiiij 176-179 x c. 295 mm; p. xxv 290 x 178-190 mm; p. xxvj 295 x 175 mm. Each pages has 28 lines, some with notation.


Original pagination in Roman numerals written in brown ink at the top of each page: xxiii/xxiiij and xxv/xxvj.

P. Avelino de Jesus da Costa referes to this fragment as: "Caixa 247, 59 – Número 6 – Tombo de Santa Eulália de Balasar e Gondifelos, 1542"

COSTA Avelino de Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico (9.vols), Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944.

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