P-BRad (Braga) Arquivo Distrital Pasta de fragmentos, 016 (olim Caixa 240, nº 12)

Pasta de fragmentos, 016 (olim Caixa 240, nº 12)

P-BRad Pasta 016

Source type
Document type
12th century

Bifolio whose folios are not consecutive (not a central bifolio).

Type of script
Type of notation

Display script in red. Plain initials in red or black. Text and notation in black. A dog's head is sketched at the bottom of fol. Bv.


Two modern hands added on fol. Br: "16" (red ink) and "Caixa 240, n. 12" (blue ink). Two additional inscriptions can be read at the bottom of the same folio, one has a strike-through. An old inscription was added at the bottom of fol. Av but it is now almost completely unreadable.

Condition of document

Damaged with loss of contents. Wrinkles and folds all over the fragment. Spots of humidity. The fragment was used as book cover. The top border of the fragment was severely trimmed. Fol. Br is unreadable (currently pasted on paper). Fol. Bv is partially readable, the text was originally written on two columns. The left border of fol. Bv was trimmed off but the right column and part of the left column are still visible.

Page layout

Dimension: bifolio 393-398 x 275-279; fol. B: 236-243 x 275-279; fol. A: 155-157 x 275-279 Mise en page: two columns of ca 90 x 215-225 (left column of fol. A 80 x 215-225). 24 lines per page, some with music.


P. Avelino de Jesus da Costa referes to this fragment as: "Caixa 240, 22 – Número 12 – Tombo de… ?".


COSTA Avelino de Jesus da, Pergaminhos Medievais: Inventário Ideográfico e Bibliográfico (9.vols), Braga, Seminário de Nossa Senhora da Conceição, 1944.

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