P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 007

MM 007

P-Cug MM 0007

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
mid 16th century

Benedicamus domino (1), Fabordões (3), Hymns (3), Mass (1), Marian antiphons (3+1 frag.), Psalm (1), motets (11+1 frag.), Responsory (1) (=24)

Type of script
Type of notation

A few calligraphic initials in black or red ink


Voice parts named on fols 1v, 2v, 32v, 33v. 'Duo' fol. 17v

Condition of document

Damaged. Original order of pieces disrupted with modern re-binding.

Page layout

Choirbook format. 545 x 390 mm


ii + 50 + ii fols. Omission of fols 6 and 28 is an error. One folio (fol. 4B) restored to manuscript. Manuscript consists of two distinct sections: fols. 1-35 and 36-49, possibly belonging to originally different manuscripts. Book represents only a portion of original


Details of gathering structure unclear; disruption of foliation


3 paper types; 2 watermarks. Mark on paper 3 almost identical to Briquet #5264 (cf Rees 1995: 164, 370 & 387)


Old, but not original, light-brown tooled leather over boards added in c. 1937-1941


Upper edges of folios trimmed. Modern pencil foliation probably added at re-binding of manuscript for fols 1-3, 5, 7-19, 19A, 20-26, 27B (pasted-in slip), 27A, 29-32, 32-38, 40-49. Some folios bound out of sequence. Manuscript consists of two distinct sections: fols 1-35 and fols 36-49 (possibly belonging to originally different manuscripts). First section is the work of 12 scribes, with later additions. The copying process shows collaboration between the different scribes. A few scribal links with P-Cug MM 6, 9, 12 and 32 can be seen (cf Rees 1995: pp. 164-66)


REES, Owen, Polyphony in Portugal c. 1530 – c. 1620. Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra, New York & London / Garland, 1995, pp. 161-66, 370 & 387

REES, Owen, “Printed Music, Portuguese Musicians, Roman Patronage: Two Case Studies”, in Early Music Printing and Publishing in the Iberian World, ed. by Iain Fenlon and Tess Knighton, Kassel/ Reichenberger, 2006, pp. 275-98


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