P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 008

MM 008

P-Cug MM 0008

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type

2 Antiphons; 1 Benedicamus domino; 10 Canticles; 1 Invitatory; 2 Lessons; 7 Psalms; 23 Responsories (Tenebrae) (=46)

Type of script
Type of notation

A few calligraphic initials.


Latin voice names and instructions fols. 001-064. Top of fol. 066v: 'psalmi Sanctorum domni petri'. Voice names added fols. 077v-078, 083v-084, 086v, 093, 093v-094, 109v-110. Top of fols. 093v-094: 'Responsorium feriae quinta in caena Domini – Chorus secundus / Actor. Dóno Petro Chorus Primus'; similar inscriptions fols. 094, 095v, 096v, 097v, 098v, 099v, 100v, 112v-113

Condition of document

Damaged in parts of both sections of manuscript: fols. 053-063v (corroded); fols. 066-074, 087 (slightly corroded). Top part of manuscript of second section, has large damp patch, fols. 068-117

Page layout

Choirbook format. 558 x 405 mm


iii + 117 + ii. Manuscript was copied in two distinct sections: fols. 001-064; 065-117. Modern pencil foliation, 001-117, beginning after original flyleaf (i)


Details of gathering structure unclear


1 paper type related to MM 26 (paper 4); 1 watermark (cf Rees: 1995, pp. 370 & 387)


Old but not original light-brown tooled leather over boards added in c. 1937-1941


Traces of gold(?) colouring to all three edges of folios, up to fol. 51. Part of manuscript copied by Pedro de Cristo (see also P-Cug MM 18, MM 33 and MM 36). Manuscript was copied in two distinct sections: fols. 001-064; 065-117. Each section provided with margins and staves before music added; size of rastrum and system of indented staves different in each. It is posible that the two sections of the manuscript existed independently and were bound together later, although the paper used is of the same type in both sections


REES. Owen, 'Newly Identifed Holograph Manuscripts from Late-Renaissance Portugal', Early Music 22 (1994), pp. 261-77

REES, Owen, Polyphony in Portugal c. 1530 – c. 1620. Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra, New York & London / Garland, 1995, pp. 167-71, 370 & 387.

REES, Owen (ed.), Music by Pedro de Cristo: An Edition of the Motets from Coimbra Biblioteca Geral da Universidade, MM 33, Amsterdam: Harvard Academic Publishers, 1998 [Introduction includes list of works by Pedro de Cristo in surviving Portuguese sources]

Description author/s
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