P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta C 1370

C 1370

P-G C 1370

Source type
Document type
12th - 13th century
Includes Mass materials for some days after Easter, up to Ascension Thursday (see Index of chants).
Type of script
Type of notation

Very simple decoration. Plain initials alternatively in blue or red. Display script in red. Text in black. Aquitanian neumes in black ink around a red line.

A modern hand added on Br two lines of text. The first line is "A-5-4-116" and seems to be an ancient shelf-mark, the second line corresponds to the fragment shelf-mark "1370".
Condition of document

Damaged. The fragment is composed of three folios sewed together. The contents of the folios are not consecutive. Each folio has one side almost unreadable: Ar, Bv, Cr. The borders of each folio are irregularly trimmed with loss of contents: fol. A is now almost half of its original dimension, fol. B lacks part of the contents at the bottom. Folds and wrinkles are present on each folio, on B there is a tear at the bottom, in correspondence to the Introit "Misericordia Domini". There are many traces of humidity and dirtiness. Library sticker on Bv. Also, there is a piece of parchment sewed on fol. B, which covers part of the contents.

Page layout

The text is arranged in one column. Fol. A (Angelus): 1 col. 28 rl / 28 wl — ]15<62>0[ x ]0<236-239>54-57
Fol. B (Misericordia domini): 1 col. 32 rl / 32 wl — ]20<156>37-41[ x ]20-22<260-267>3-7[
Fol. C (Viri galilei): 1 col. 32 rl / 32 wl — ]22<156-158>25[ x ]18-23<267-269>1-7[

From the same Missal as fragment C 1204 in the same archive.

Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: The music in the manuscripts of Guimarães (12th – 17th centuries), Guimarães, Museu de Alberto Sampaio, 2012. ISBN 978-989-97732-1-9

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