P-EVc (Évora) Arquivo da Sé Ms 002

Ms 002

P-EVc Ms 002

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Main place of use
mid 18th century
2 Antiphons; 5 Masses (= 7)
Type of notation
Description of the notation
Stamped square notation

Title page and Index page have elaborate borders in black and red ink.
Decorated (stamped) boxed intitals in black ink, with some red, at start of the antiphons and the main sections of the masses

Title page (f. [i]r): Compendium / Missarum Quinque / Quadruplici Voce / Concinendarum / Cum Duobus Aspersoriis. / Authore / Joanne Petro Ludovico Praenestino / Sacrosanctae Basilicae Vaticanae / Mesochoro. / Serenissimo / Ac Potentissimo Lusitaniae Regi / D.D. Joanni Quinto / O.D.C. / Cassianus Lopez Navarro / in Catholici Regis Sacello / Succentor. This scribe was responsible for copying numerous choirbooks of Palestrina extant in Spain: see Rós Fabregas (2006), p. 368. See also PEM database: E-TUY (Tuy) Arquivo da Sé L I) List of contents (f. [ii] r): ‘INDEX / Aspersorium Per Annum, 1 / Missa Brevis, 10 / Missa Iste Confessor, 32 / Missa Aeterna Christi munera, 75 / Missa Emmendemus, 97 Titles of items given in Latin at top of each verso folio; composer's name in Latin heads each recto folio. Voice names provided on each opening.
Condition of document

Good, though several loose folios, and binding is beginning to fall apart.
f. 5 bound in back-to-front

Page layout

Choirbook format. 540 x 350 mm


ii + 119. Folios numbered 1-119. Blank (numbered) folios separate each musical item


Original brown leather over boards, with some gold tooled motifs; metal bosses, corners and clasps

SCRIBE: Cassianus López Navarro (see above, and E-TUY 1, E-TUY 5). The contents of this MS correspond exactly with E-P 3 (Plasencia, Arch. del Catedral, MS 3). Chant intonations provided for the two Mass Antiphons.

ALEGRIA, José Augusto, Arquivo da músicas da Sé de Évora. Catálogo, Lisbon: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 1973, pp. 12-13.

ROS-FÁBREGAS, Emilio (2006), 'Libros de polifonía en la Catedral de Pamplona', in Príncipe de Viana, 67/238, pp. 335-388 [Estudios sobre música y músicos de Navarra, ed. María Gembero Ustárroz].

RUBIO CALZÓN, Samuel (1950), 'El archivo de música de la Catedral de Plasencia', Anuario Musical 5, pp. 147-68

Grove Music Online: 'Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da' (article.20749)

COLLECTED EDITIONS: Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Werke, ed. F.X. Haberl and others (Leipzig, 1862–1907/R) [H] Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Le opere complete, ed. R. Casimiri and others (Rome, 1939–87) [C].

Description author/s
Indexed by
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