E-TUY (Tuy) Archivo Capitular de la Catedral de Tuy Fragmento 012

Fragmento 012

E-TUY Fragmento 012

Source type
Document type
c. 1400
Type of script
Type of notation

Filigree or slightly decorated capitals, on red and brown. Plain initials, on red. Two-line capital H, filigree decorated on red, brown and sepia.

On folio Ar, the inscriptions "Ac[...] 172[...]" and "Bayona" (this on green pencil) on the centre of the upper half. Baiona is a village in the Pontevedra province.
Condition of document

Bifolio. Mutilated on outer margins. Perfuration holes revealing previous binding purposes. Musical notation on folio Ar is hardly legible.

Page layout

Each folio: c. 295 x c. 430

The Aquitanian notation is of an Iberian variety. The fragments ("Fragmentos") 1, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21 and 22, held in the Archivo Capitular de la Catedral de Tui, belonged originally to one and the same Antiphoner. The "Fragmento 16" belonged originally to the same quaternion of this "Fragmento 12". They previously served as covers or binding material for a register book (see "Inscriptions and marks" above, where the inscriptions identify the book).
Completed on

Musical Items

Displaying 21 - 21 of 21
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode
Bv 004 Cum natus esset Jesus in Bethleem Epiphania M V 01 007112c 8