P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta N 038

N 038

P-G N 038

Source type
Document type
13th century
The analysis of the contents of the fragment make it possible to surmise that it was originally a central bifolium. The fragment contains some liturgical feasts that clearly point to an Aquitanian liturgical tradition, see for example Lautenus ab. Maximiac. on fol. Av (2 November, this is a saint found mainly in manuscripts from Cluny); Leonardus disc. s. Remigii on fol. Br (Leonard of Limoges, 6 November); Valentinus & Hilarius mm. Viterb. (3 November); Florus, Episcopus Lugdunensis on fol. Bv (Florus of Lyon, 4 November); Austremonius ep. Arvern. (Bishop, Martyr, Apostle of Auvergne, 7 November). Further info on manuscripts containing the same liturgical feasts can be found in the database 'Calendrier' at http://calendriers.irht.cnrs.fr/calscope.htm.
Type of notation
Later hand inscriptions on fol. Ar that makes the reading of the musical contents very challenging. Other later-hand inscriptions (now almost completely disappeared) can be found on the left side of fol. Bv.
Condition of document

Damaged. The ink is vanished in many points, fols. Ar and Bv are in poorer condition (external side of the bifolium). Half of the right column of fol. Bv is now currently unreadable.

Description author/s
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Project ID
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