P-G (Guimarães) Arquivo Municipal Alfredo Pimenta N 083

N 083

P-G N 083

Source type
Document type
13th cent.
Central bifolium with excerpts from the Biblia Sacra Vulgata (with apocrypha). Text on fol. Ar: Proverbs, ch. 2 (verses 16-22), and ch. 3 (verses 1-20). Fol. Av: Ecclesiastes, ch. 1 (verses 2-18), and ch. 2 (verses 1-3). Fol. Br: Ecclesiastes ch. 2 (verses 8-24). Fol. Bv: Liber Sapientiae, ch. 1 (verses 1-16), and ch. 2 (1-3).
Type of notation
Description of the notation

There is only one notated line on this fragment hence, it is not possible to ascertain the use of custos. The neumes are medium size and placed around a red line. The difference between a lozenge and a more or less square punctum is not clearly defined (mainly due to the poor conditions of the parchment). The lozenge is used at different heights: two steps above the line (twice), one step below the line, and on the line. The lozenge is used either isolated or as part of a descending neume pattern.

Condition of document

Good, despite the trimming of the top border has caused loss of contents.

Page layout

Full-page column.

Description author/s
Completed on