P-LApe (Lamego) Palácio Episcopal Liv 143

Liv 143

P-LApe Liv 143

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
Late 16th-early 17th centuries

Antiphons (3), Litany (1), Motet (1), Requiem Mass (1), Responsories (3)

Type of script
Type of notation

Inscription on label pasted inside front cover: 'No fim encontra-se uma / missa de Requiem de / Emanuel L[usita]nus da / qual não se conhece / nenhum outro exemplar / Gonçalo Sampaio'. Quire 2, fol. 001x2r (in pen?): ‘Copiado por Manuel Joaquim até final do R[esponsorio] Memento, para ver se é possível a reconstituição das notas perdidas pela acção da tinta e do tempo’

Condition of document

Quire 1 is in good condition, but an initial and folios (probably linked as a bifolio) are missing. Quire 2 contains pages badly damaged by ink corrosion. The printed volume is generally good, although fols 135-136 are missing and replaced by handwritten folios imitating the original appearance, complete with pasted-in initial 'Q' cut out from a printed source


Quire 1 (front of volume) [1-3]. Quire 2 (back of volume) [i], [1-2], 3-5, [6], 7-16, [17]. Original ink foliation in Quire 2 mostly lost with later manuscript trimming


Original binding of tooled leather covers


Factitious volume made out of two incomplete manuscript quires bound with a copy of Cristóbal de Morales's, Missarum liber secundus (Lyon: Jacques Moderne, 1551) [RISM M3582]


ALVARENGA, João Pedro d', 'Two Polyphonic Settings of the Mass for the Dead from Late Sixteenth-Century Portugal: Bridging Pre- and Post-Tridentine Traditions', Acta Musicologica 88 (2016), pp. 5-33

ALVARENGA, João Pedro d', 'Polyphonic Church Music and Sources from Late Sixteenth-Century Evora Cathedral', Revista Portuguesa de Musicologia 2 (2015), pp. 19-40

REES, Owen, '"Jesu redemptor": Polyphonic Funerary Litanies in Portugal', in Pure Gold. Golden Age Sacred Music in the Iberian World: A Homage to Bruno Turner, ed. T. Knighton and Bernadette Nelson, Kassel: Reichenberger, 2011, pp. 228-61

JOAQUIM, Manuel, 'A Missa "pro defunctis" de Manuel Mendes (1547?-1603), A Cidade de Évora 8/23-24 (1951), pp. 95-108; and 8/ 25-26 (1951), pp. 251-85. [Article includes edition of the Missa pro defunctis by Mendes]


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