P-Cua (Coimbra) Arquivo Distrital e da Universidade IV-3ª Gav. 44 (18)

IV-3ª Gav. 44 (18)

P-Cua IV-3ª Gav. 44 (18)

Source type
c. 1400
Chants for Dom. Pentecostes (from Lauds to second Vespers).
Recto, bottom margin: "INV./ BOL./ 96 (44); IV-3ª S - GV. 44 (18)". Verso, bottom margin, humanistic hand: "an[tiphon]a de feria secu[n]da. Si quis. / fol. 151. de feria tercia. pace[m] / fol. 147" In a more recent hand: "INV./ BOL./ 96 (44); IV-3ª S - GV. 44 (18)". "Capa de um livro de notas do not. Antº Martins, Coimbra (157-)"
Condition of document

Single leaf fragment in poor condition. It was formerly used as a book cover; the recto (external cover) is hardly readable. Ink is vanished in many points; there are spots of dirtiness. Long cut along the left vertical edge (verso) resulting in loss of contents. Traces of library stickers and library stamp on the recto.

Page layout

c. 510 x c. 275 mm. Two columns. Ten lines of text per column, each with one line above for notation, c. 410 x c. 120 mm.


Part of the original foliation in Roman numerals can be seen at the top of the recto (Cxvi ? — the x has a mark above and may stand for 40). The catchword ([babti]zatus) at the bottom of the verso suggest that this folio originally ended the quire.

Together with P-Cua IV-3ª Gv 044 (16) and (17), this fragment is one of three leaves dismantled from the same lost antiphonary: evidences for their common source are the identity, among others, of: (1) textual and musical ductus (especially of more complex shapes such as 'a', rising liquescences, quilisma ...); (2) decorations (filling coloured lines inside of bigger capitals, dots at the extremities of serifs); (3) occasional red-line boxings for rubrics, and so forth... Fragments 17 and 18 were used as a cover in the same notebook belonging to the notary António Martins in the late 16th century.
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Musical Items

Displaying 1 - 20 of 20
Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Position Cantus ID Mode Diff
recto 000 [Dum complerentur dies pentecostes erant omnes] ( Pentecostes L A 002442 3 96d
recto 001 S(piritus domini replevit orbem terrarum Pentecostes L A 004998 8 84a
recto 002 (Repleti) sunt) omnes (spiritu sancto et Pentecostes L A 004613 8 84a
recto 003 (Fontes et omnia quae moven)tur Pentecostes L A 002889 1 *
recto 005 L(oquebantur variis) linguis aposto(li Pentecostes A 003634 7 *
recto 006 Accipite (spiritum) [sanctum] (quorum remiseritis peccata) ( Pentecostes E A B1 001234 7 *
recto 007 S[i quis] diligit me sermonem [ Pentecostes E A B2 004906 3 213a
verso 001 U(...)* Pentecostes E A B3 *
verso 002 [R]epleti sunt omnes spiritu [sanc] Pentecostes T R 007530 6
verso 003 Et coe[per]unt loqui variis Pentecostes T V 01 007530zc 6
verso 004 Loquebantur v[ariis] l[inguis] a[ Pentecostes T W 008126 ?
verso 005 [L]oquebantur variis [lin]guis apostoli Pentecostes S R 007100 r
verso 006 [Ma]gnalia dei Pentecostes S V 01 007100a r
verso 007 Spiritus domini [alleluia R. Re]plevit Pentecostes S W 008204.1 *
verso 008 [S]piritus domini replevit or[bem] Pentecostes N R 007689 r
verso 009 [Et h](oc quod continet omnia) Pentecostes N V 01 007689a r
verso 010 Repleti [sunt] omnes spiritu sancto* Pentecostes N W 008182 *
verso 011 [D]um complerentur dies pen* Pentecostes V2 A 3 *
verso 012 Alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia alleluia Pentecostes V2 A 001333 7?
verso 013 Hodie completi sunt dies pentecostes alleluia Pentecostes E A M 003096 1 *