
Cantus Index feast code

Used when the liturgical feast cannot be determined

Musical Items

Displaying 881 - 900 of 953
Source Folio Seq Incipit Feast Occasion Genre Cantus ID Mode
Er (042) 001 Ego sum vitis vera et vos undetermined MI Cm g02065
Er (042) 000 [Laetabitur justus in domino et sperabit undetermined MI Cm g01304 5

P-Cua IV-1ªE-15-4-044 + P-Cua IV-1ªE-15-4-045

Ev 000 [ju]stus in do[mino et undetermined MI Cm g01304 ?

P-Cua IV-1ªE-15-4-044 + P-Cua IV-1ªE-15-4-045

Fr 000 [...]aurato circumdata varietate undetermined MI Of g01388 5?

P-Cua IV-1ªE-15-4-044 + P-Cua IV-1ªE-15-4-045

Fv 000 [...]mine non calumnientur mihi superbi ad undetermined MI Cm g01379 ?
r 000 [Alleluia Juravit dominus et non paenitebit undetermined MI Al g01341 1

P-LA Caixa 1, Fragmento 012

r 000 []leison Kyrie eleison [] undetermined MI Ky 509501

P-Cm FPM-B50-09

r 000 [Ecce oculi domini super timentes eum undetermined MI In g00188 3

P-EVad CNEVR 405

r 000 Chiste eleison [C]hriste eleison Kyrie undetermined Ky 509501
r 000 (...) Beata [mater munere] cujus supernus artifex undetermined H 008375 *
r 001 O gloriosa domina excelsa super sidera undetermined L H 008375e 5?

P-BRad Pastas 025

r 001 ill. undetermined ?

P-G C 1237

r 001 Su[mme deus] [...] Xpiste [...] undetermined MI Ky ah47024 1

P-BRad Pastas 002

r 001 ill. undetermined ?

P-LA Caixa 1, Fragmento 012

r 001 Rex magne domine quem sancti adorant [...] undetermined M Ky ah47011a
r 001 Inveni David* undetermined MI Of g01288 *

P-Cm FPM-B50-09

r 001 Exsultate justi | ~Seculorum undetermined MI InV g00188a 3

P-Cug MM 1063 (65)

r 001 Ave m(aris stell)a dei undetermined L H 008272 F-mode?

P-G P 491 MM

r 001 [...] testatur filium a(d Ior)danis undetermined MI Tp 509504.Tp33 ?
r 001 [... primogeni]tus Mariae virginis matris qui undetermined MI Gl 509502.1 7