P-Cug (Coimbra) Biblioteca Geral da Universidade MM 036

MM 036

P-Cug MM 0036

Source type
Subcategory of source
Document type
last third 16th century [1570s-1580s]

Alleluia (6), Antiphons (2), Benedicamus domino (2), Canticles (2), Doxology (1), Hymns (5), Invitatorium (1), Lamentations (1), Marian antiphons (4), Mass (1), Motets (8), Psalms (10), Responsories (13), Responses (1), Villancicos (4) (=61)

Type of notation

Many decorative initials: calligraphic using red or black ink, or coloured with ink highlighting; some illustrated.


First folio used as a flyleaf bears inscription 'Obras Do Padre Dom Pedro Conego Regular'.

Condition of document


Page layout

Choirbook format. 412 x 278 mm.


i + i + 72 + i fols.


Unclear because of modern rebinding of manuscript.


1 paper type; 1 watermark similar to Briquet #8390 (cf Rees 1995: 377 & 404).


Soft covers of white leather, similar to those of P-Cug MM 33. These covers are probably original. Manuscript rebound 1937-1941, obscuring original structure of manuscript, and causing some folios to become detached.


Autograph manuscript of Pedro de Cristo copied in the 1570s or 1580s. His likely authorship of the majority of pieces in this manuscript is understood by the inscription  'Obras Do Padre Dom Pedro Conego Regular', although there are a few exceptions. It resembles an anthology of music, rather than a choirbook for liturgical use. History of manuscript similar to P-Cug MM 33: the whole book was assembled and provided with margins and staves before the music was copied; consistency of folios layout. (For description and details, cf Rees (1995) pp. 251-52.) All four voice parts of the last piece were copied in descending sequence on fol. 71. Modern pencil foliation fols. 001-071; unnumbered folio between fols. 022 and 023. Folios slightly trimmed.

Rees's (1995, p. 250) inventory numbers 58 and 59 are the same piece.


REES. Owen (1994), 'Newly Identifed Holograph Manuscripts from Late-Renaissance Portugal', Early Music 22, pp. 261-77

REES, Owen (1995), Polyphony in Portugal c. 1530 – c. 1620. Sources from the Monastery of Santa Cruz, Coimbra (New York & London, Garland), pp. 247-53, 377 & 404

REES, Owen (1998), Music by Pedro de Cristo: An Edition of the Motets from Coimbra Biblioteca Geral da Universidade, MM 33 (Amsterdam, Harvard Academic Publishers). [Introduction includes list of works by Pedro de Cristo in surviving Portuguese sources]

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Last revision
21 July 2024

Musical Items

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